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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. Come on, We all want to hear the story. What's the magic recipe to get banned?
  2. That's a pretty good reason for not shutting it off.
  3. I attended CES a few years ago. A friend is a high end audiophile and took me to the special rooms on the reserved floors of the hotel for this purpose. My eyes were Opened! Amazing high end things, high end beliefs, a few high end myths (in my mind), and Amazing high end prices possible. I learned how to test if someone is a true audiophile, in one question. How much did you spend on your speaker WIRES? If the answer is <$10K, you're not really into it. Quick google found a couple of articles on CES 2019. ( I attended in 2015.) https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2019/02/17/audioquest-mythical-creatures-ces-2019/ https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2019/01/15/ces-2019-highlights/
  4. My system doesn't do this, BUT... I don't leave my RO unit pressurized when idle. I have a Mur-lok RO Lineline ball valve on the incoming supply - and always turn it off manually when idle. (from BRS)
  5. Looks like AquaMaxx has picked up the product line, and added a "purple" version (white + purple beads). And available in larger size. https://www.marinedepot.com/fragging-supplies/coral-glue-epoxy-adhesives/aquamaxx
  6. googled: "captive reef series cr180p" manual is the first returned link. (aka, Got Lucky)
  7. Through the magic of google: https://docplayer.net/40013342-Operating-manual-cr180p-reef-led-light-the-captive-reef-series-cr180p-led-lights-provide-180w-of-programmable-led-power-for-your-reef-aquarium.html
  8. Looking Awesome! Can you grow that thing faster, I need a frag.
  9. Day 6 - still alive. Added more phyto twice this week. Otherwise, uneventful. I think I'm still looking a the original adults added. If I understand, it should take another week before I see new hatchlings. IMG_0101.MOV
  10. I built my mixing station and auto water change setup based on @SuncrestReefdesign last spring. This is the best thing I've done in Years! Three things have me hooked. 1. By far the most valuable and important, the output valves fit a 5 gallon bucket under them. Gravity filling a bucket is like 15 seconds of zero effort. 2. Auto Water Changes mean I actually get water changes done. I find almost zero value in diverting my time to water changes... And my prior tank conditions showed it. I use Apex DOS for AWC. One head pulls old tank water and dumps it 75' away down the sink drain. One head pulls new fresh salt water out of mixing station from 15 feet away. 3. Auto Stop for my RO unit. I ran for years on the "RO into a tub", manual on/off, and just timed it for when to turn off. Of course... more than one overflow happened. My setup is now all automated. With one exception, I don't auto-start a refill of the RO tank. I wait until the tank is down a ways, and then manually Re-enable RO making. Its just a personal choice. Don't want RO unit pressurized and running every day. Start here: Up and running about here: Custom Apex toggle box for mixing station:
  11. I'm aware of two 24v ports coming off the EB832 power bar. I've got one of these on order for my system: (amazon) Noctua NF-F12 iPPC-24V-2000 Q100 IP67 PWM, Heavy Duty Cooling Fan, 4-Pin, 2000 RPM, 24V Version (120mm, Black)
  12. Even if you never connect the MP's to your Apex, there's no requirement to use an EB832 outlet for them. You can turn them on/off with their "remote control." Either WXM based, or Movidius based.
  13. My two MP60's are new. I "finagled" them back to the previous firmware rev, following provided instructions. And I'm good to go with WXM. But it's a personal choice. If you like what you've got, use it. And they're no time pressure, used WXM's will continue to be available. Both of mine were used.
  14. Good Cabinet. Have you acquired a used WXM module to control your MP's with yet? I'm kind of a heavy WXM user, and I really like the integration into Apex and what I can do with it. I've got feed cycles and Feedstorm setup, manual override on/offs, Apex controlled flow patterns (but that's not unique). I've got color temperature overrides setup on the lights. They go off if temp is too high as manual form of alarm, ... -David J. O'Brien
  15. Oh Good! Let's see a sketch out of your system and what your thoughts are. Rough layout, is it classic tank+sump or more, how many heaters/chillers/feeders/CaReactor/KalkReactor/pumps/powerheads/lights - which you're thinking of Apex Control. Setting up Auto Water Change? Auto Water Top Off? Level sensors placement thoughts. Flow pattern thoughts, Feed cycle thoughts, Lighting cycles and special override modes. Let's go off the Deep End! @SuncrestReef - What topics have I forgotten about?
  16. Depends on what you need for Nano... Here's a low power, small space example for $10. This is what's inside Avast Marine's "The Plank" fish feeder. (I have one, ordered a spare pump from Amazon in case it ever goes out.) Small, low power, also low flow (at 53gph), but really won't put any fish at risk. DC-1020 comes plugs into AC outlet, the others looked like they are USB based or something.
  17. Without the tape, it's just a jar, sitting on a pile of LED accent lights. Do they call that Up-Lighting?
  18. Decided I wanted a bunch of pods. ... Thus followed this basic R2R article. https://www.reef2reef.com/ams/how-i-culture-pods-an-introduction-for-those-that-are-interested-in-doing-the-same.795/ Does this make me a pod farmer? (or a blue painters tape hack?)
  19. Please enter my 2 tickets for the generator. (PNWMAS paying members all receive 2 free tickets.)
  20. I was there last night. They looked great. One looks even better, now that it's in my tank. Jeff, tell Austin thanks for helping us. My wife is happy with the biggest mandarin fish I've seen in years.
  21. Thought someone may be interested in one of the earliest reference to Berghia, and growing them out. I had to hit the Way Back internet machine to find it - but here it is. BERGHIA VERRUCICORNIS, A NUDIBRANCH PREDATOR OF THE AQUARIUM "WEED" ANEMONE AIPTASIA Stephen C. Kempf, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology and Wildlife Science, 331 Funchess Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849, kempfsc@mail.auburn.edu Michael Brittsan, Curator of the Shores Department, Columbus Zoo, 9990 Riverside Dr., Powell, OH 43065 Original Breadersregistry.org site is gone, so here's the way-back-machine copy; https://web.archive.org/web/20090408025421/http://www.breedersregistry.org/Reprints/azaa/1996/berghia_azaa.htm (I'm honoring the publishers rights by not actually pasting here) Alternatively, this site copied the article. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-1351079.html
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