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Sps grow out contest?

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I propose a vote by all participants on coral measurement technique.  I don't know how to create a poll on this forum.  Perhaps someone else can assist with that?

  1. Measure with a ruler
  2. Measure by weight
  3. Measure by water displacement

Obviously this will need to be determined prior to the competition start because initial measurements will need to be taken, and we can't change the process later without the proper initial measurements.

Edited by SuncrestReef
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9 hours ago, SuncrestReef said:

I propose a vote by all participants on coral measurement technique.  I don't know how to create a poll on this forum.  Perhaps someone else can assist with that?

  1. Measure with a ruler
  2. Measure by weight
  3. Measure by water displacement

Obviously this will need to be determined prior to the competition start because initial measurements will need to be taken, and we can't change the process later without the proper initial measurements.


I thought you were not trying to complicate things? :)

but yeah, #1



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I like Manny's suggestion. 

Given the extremely valuable nature of the prizes and regional esteem that the tittle of "Mr. Acropora Growout 2018/2019" would bring, we should not take this lightly!! 

 Lets try and remember this is not some friendly club level competition, and a way to get a sweet frag. 

With this in mind: I suggest the following: 

1. Frag selection will be completed by a committee comprised of all grow out contestants.  All contestants must be present at the time of selection, selection will only be approved through a unanimous vote of all contestants. 

2.  Bar codes for each frag will be generated and assigned when frags are chosen.

3. Monthly transport of frags to secure facility for analytical measurement of mass.  The club will be spending prize funds on the purchase of the following scale: https://www.hogentogler.com/veritas/m124a-analytical-balance.asp?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvafmz8qk3gIVicpkCh0c6A_KEAQYAiABEgJNI_D_BwE

4. Chain of custody forms will be required for transport to and from the facility.  Completed forms will be kept at cuttlefish and a secure off-site facility. 

5. For the final month, all frags will be weighed, measured by multi point lasers, and final color will be determined by a spectrophometer.  Ideal coloration parameters will be determined by unanimous decision by the group. 

6. once a winner is chosen, the frag in question will be subject to gas chromatograph analysis to determine the presence or absence of growth altering hormones banned by the European Union.

7.  The final winner receive a low grade stainless frag kit and one package of reef frenzy in addition to a framed picture of the winning frag that was destroyed during chromatography testing.  




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Here's the list for today:

Current count = 15


Still waiting to hear from:

(if anyone is tired of getting alerts about this thread, let me know and I can un-tag your screen name)

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It doesnt kill bug eggs, i guess that is my point. Many many of us ended up with AEFW through trust and dipping alone.

yes, 45 days is not the absolute end all be all of ich but there has only been ONE single study of the long term theront? stage and that was in cooler water.

all of my other frags go 76. i just want this one basting in halides sooner rather than later.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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