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Everything posted by SuncrestReef

  1. I picked up a couple more beauties at @CuttleFishandCoral today:
  2. Yes, it’s awesome at night. Here’s a recent shot:
  3. Back in November @CuttleFishandCoral was selling Mystery Boxes of corals in various price ranges. I picked up a $250 box and it contained 9 corals, including this scoly. See this post for what was inside:
  4. Looks like a Deceptive Sallow Moth. See https://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/species/Feralia-deceptiva
  5. I spotted one of my nudibranchs tonight for the first time since introducing them into my tank in February. It has really grown! It's at least 4x larger than when I got them, so obviously they've been eating well. I still have aiptasia, but I've noticed some of them magically disappearing overnight. Glad to know they're still alive!
  6. My scoly had its mouth open: 😮
  7. I put corals in my tank 2 months after cycling with no regrets, so I don't blame you! Looking good. 👍
  8. Wow, looks great! How long has this tank been running?
  9. The last goniopora I got from @Lexinverts has gone crazy! It reminds me of having 100 of those inflatable guys in my tank!
  10. Wow, these all look great! I'll be sure to get in on this one. Looking forward to further details...
  11. It's hard to see in the above photo, but he still has a couple of scars from HLLE below and above his eye as seen here. But other than that, it hasn't spread and his colors are much more vibrant than ever!
  12. I frequently post photos of my corals, but getting good fish photos is way more difficult! I finally managed to get a few in focus: I love the pattern on my kole tang: And one bonus (non-fish) shot...check out the hairy legs on my cleaner shrimp:
  13. I just ran across an interesting build thread on R2R where this guy put a scenic shadowbox behind his tank. The result is a pretty cool 3-D look that reminds me of scuba diving: Here's a link to the build thread: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/red-sea-reefer-xxl-750-build-thread-with-shadowbox.546446/page-2#post-5869332 Has anyone around here ever tried something like this?
  14. Congrats on your new gear and corals! FYI, you might want to adjust the placement of your Avast skimmate locker pressure tube. With it that low in the locker, it's going to turn off the skimmer prematurely before the locker is very full, meaning you'll need to empty it more frequently than necessary. I have mine set so the switch is triggered when the liquid is about 1" from the top of the locker:
  15. I will have to miss out on this meeting, but for good reason. I'll be in Paris with my wife for our anniversary, but we'll be back in time for the Cinco de Mayo party at CNC. I hope everyone has fun and I'm looking forward to Bert's photo recap.
  16. Tail spots are my favorite! Your tank's looking nice. 👍
  17. I also set up a web cam to remotely keep an eye on things while away for the weekend. I'm using a Zmodo Sight 180 C camera which has a 180 degree field of view. I'm able to see water levels in my sump, the skimmer, skimmate locker, refugium, and the tank. Pretty handy!
  18. Thanks for the offer, but I think I’m set. I only use the autofeeder occasionally, like this weekend for a quick trip to the coast. My little DIY feeder ring will be fine:
  19. @milesmiles902 After posting the above photo, I realized I had something better. May I retract the original submission and replace it with this one? 🤣
  20. I just came up with this, using a small plastic food container: I can just clamp it between the feeder bracket and the tank glass. This will get me by for now.
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