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Everything posted by youcallmenny

  1. Sure you still got any of the tierra del fuego or some pretty acro? I'm also looking for any favia/favites/euphyllia. Just something pretty that I don't already have would be nice.
  2. Bert - Where'd you get that blue stag? I got the exact same one from the Wilsonville TPA. Super nice piece. Yours is beautiful. I've got a few things I could bring if anyone is interested. First up are several frags of JF Jack-O-Lantern Leptoseris (The ORA Green Birdsnest are up for grabs too if anyone wants it for some reason): A few frags of Oregon Mummy Eye: Aussie Blastomussa Welsi: Here's the mother colony of the blasto's since the frags are small. Interesting note: I didn't frag this. The mother colony "dripped" these off. I glued them to plugs and they grew into new colonies. Neat!
  3. This is the third time we've posted december pics. Wasn't the deadline within the first week of the month?
  4. Thanks for the suggestion Exodus. I have always worried about the heater I use for my system. It's a high quality one but it will most likely fail some day. It also has a temp swing of 4-5F degrees daily. On your advice I just ordered a JBJ temp controller. Really neat little piece of equipment! What a peace of mind. I will plug a secondary heater in to use as a backup. This will also really level out the temp swing. Thanks again, you have really helped me out of a potential disaster I wasn't sure how to avoid.
  5. Put simply it's just a thing that screws on to the end of whatever lens you're using like a lens filter would. It basically fakes your lens into being either macro or telescopic depending on what type of diopter you attach. A macro lens is my next camera purchase though. It's hard to fake the funk. Check ebay, you can find these for super cheap and also macro lens' themselves are pretty inexpensive on there. https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1fApoIpXXXXa2XFXXq6xXFXXX9/52MM-0-45x-Wide-Angle-font-b-Macro-b-font-font-b-Lens-b-font-High.jpg That's what they typically look like, though that can vary.
  6. This tutorial series on youtube is helpful to understand the basics of reef photography. I have a Canon EOS 1200D and between a custom WB and using it's autofocus have been able to achieve some pretty nice pictures. I don't have a macro lens yet but I do have a decent macro diopter.
  7. youcallmenny


    http://www.reefcleaners.org/cleaner-packages-with-free-shipping This company has helped a lot of reefers out with affordable clean up crews. You can just select your tank size and get an appropriately sized crew mailed to you with free shipping. John Maloney is a good guy and I personally recommend them highly.
  8. Yea not sure what's going on here. We already posted december pictures in the main thread.
  9. Sounds like we need another frag swap thread.
  10. Congrats on the new tank Sirena! That's a pretty good idea with the tang. Does the new tank have a better filtration system then the old one?
  11. Oh whoa... That really was not what I would have thought. Cool find!
  12. This last week I finally got up the nerve to try fragging on two of my favorite corals. The first was my JF Jack o lantern which I just used bone cutters to break up the plug. One frag became eight frags. The second was my Oregon mummy eye chalice which I used a razor and hammer to cut up. The first swing wasn't on a very solid surface which caused everything to bounce. In turn this resulted in the next swing hammering the razor through the tip of my finger. A little bit of blood later, I now have six frags of it. Tanks are both running really well lately. Finally got an ATO installed recently and have been wondering why I didn't do that a lot sooner.
  13. It's so cool that all you see is tank from the surrounding room(s) Are you going to put a panel over the front to cover the light?
  14. Not that I've encountered. Nems are murderous. I had rbta's in my DT for a while but they were killing everything they touched. Not a good thing especially when one decided to start doing laps around the tank. I got rid of them and the clowns moved into the gsp rock which I find to be even more adorable.
  15. Edit: that wasn't the one I was thinking of.
  16. Ooo that's exciting. I'm not going to lie, I've been looking forward to seeing your fish room!
  17. I didn't feed my mini maxi carpet last month and it ate a whole 3" abelone. Caught it spitting the shell back out. I try to make a point of giving it a krill here and there.
  18. Things are still pretty icy down here in Salem. Just running out for a few errands we saw three seperate vehicles dumped into ditches/down embankments. People down here have zero conception what to do about the snow and ice.
  19. Happy birthday Holly! Thank you for everything you do for the club. Hope you have a great day!
  20. I use two different Rio's for my returns. They have lasted and some silicon pot holders under them will shut them right up. Not sure if it's just these pumps but when I've done my biannual cleaning on them, they've never had any kind of gunk to clean out. Literally no reason other than peace of mind to remove and disassemble them.
  21. How big? What size tank is he in currently?
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