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What do you do?


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Since we have such a great group of people here i thought it would be nice to know what you do and what you can help your fellow hobbyists with.  Im a network admin and im happy to provide computer support for ya!  Im also handy at doing plumbing and aquascaping.

Edited by stylaster
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I was a soldier.   Caught a medical retirement after Iraq.   Now I'm in school for Information Systems.  Not working yet but heading towards networking myself.   Done with ICND1, working on ICND2. Done A/N/S+ and lots of technical education, training and experience.  

@stylaster, you're a man after my own heart.  What certs/experience do you have and what specifically do you do?  I know we've got at least one more software guy but always nice to see CS/IS/IT people here. 

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Well... I'm a PhD neuroscientist so not much practical use to anyone.  I do, however, know just enough about a lot of other things to be dangerous :EvilGrin:

This reminds me of another neat thread we had going a while back that was about our non-reef related interests/skills (not necessarily work related).  Might be nice to resurrect that one as well. (off to hunt it down)

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Great thread Roy! It's nice to see what people spend the majority of their life doing.

I am a pediatrician by trade so if you have any questions about kids :cryingfit: I can probably help you.

As far as usefulness in this hobby, :unsure:

I hate plumbing, electrical work, handy work in general lol so that's why I am a big part of this forum and I greatly appreciate those of you who are good at it. I know I have sought out help many times and always appreciate it. :clap:


I believe in sticking with what you know.

I am great at organizing large scale and smaller scale events and finding the right people for all the roles that are needed.

And if you are in search of sarcasm I am there! :moneybag: (again not sure what this guy is doing but I like him ;) )


I do have a knack for knowing what a high end coral looks like and identifying many zoas. I also was the one who actually discovered the Oregon Tort and the MattV Orange Envy ( disclaimer... I'm totally lying about the Oregon Tort and the MattV Orange envy! ):peace:

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I am an engineer in the semiconductor industry.  I support customers all around the world.  I am a Jack of all trades and master of none.

I stayed at a Holiday Inn once, so I am sure I can fix it.


Edited by cjmdh
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I’m a recent OSU graduate with a degree in Business Administrations! I recently started up West Coast Corals as a side business and love it. My main job is helping my family run our nursery! Need some plants??? We’ve got you covered. [emoji41]a15d860c7d431e872469ed7a25901b59.jpg

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I’m an Amazon image manager/photo editor with previous experience as a content writer (product descriptions). Amazon is not my employer; they are the client of the small sales rep company I work for. We’re not 3rd party sellers. If you have a stellar product line you want Amazon to buy (storing it in their warehouse, selling it and shipping it to the end customer), that’s where we come in.

Before Amazon, I made my living selling new clothing and toys on eBay most of the year and at Georgia flea markets during the summer months when people get off their computers and out of their houses. There are some parallels between eBay and Amazon, but I enjoy having paid vacation time now and no longer having to haul carloads of merchandise around to flea markets in 120 degree Atlanta heat. :flamemad: (It doesn’t actually get to 120 there, but it feels like it with the humidity. 105 here feels the same as 85 there.) 

In terms of what I can help you with... I can assure you that your collection of prized possessions is not worth what you think it is on eBay. :laugh: I can also photoshop that honker of a nose you’ve got down to a reasonable size bump. :innocent: 

Kidding aside, if you really do have a company with cool products you’re interested in selling to Amazon, show me sometime. I can put you in touch with my boss, who can assess whether you’re better off trying to do that on your own or whether you should hire us. She is honest about that stuff, because if we can’t improve your sales, it’s going to be a waste of time for everyone. In many cases, we can help.

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5 hours ago, Jack-the-reefer said:

I'm an emt. If you stop breathing, feel free to call me. 

“Hello, Jack? I have stopped breathing. What should I do?”

”Have you tried breathing?”


3 hours ago, albertareef said:

 I'm a PhD neuroscientist so not much practical use to anyone. 

“Hello, Sean? I have something here I need neuroscienced, and you’re the only neurosciencer I know.”

”That... doesn’t make any sense. I can’t understand you.”

”Psh, and you call yourself a neuroscientist! Can’t even understand that I need something neuroscienced! I’m calling Jack - he worked wonders when I had that breathing problem!”

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I am Madden :D 


Hell who knows what I do..................been in construction for over 30 years...............am half owner in a fab shop and now do anything with metal if its possible for me. Have built a few stands for members over the years and also a local shop........

I look at it this way I have enough knowledge in my small brain to get me in trouble :laugh: being around construction for so long I have seen it all electrical, plumbing, finish work and a whole lot of other stuff..........


I have the ultimate set of tools :laugh: 


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This is a fun thread!  I love to see what others do in their day jobs.  I was a trial lawyer for a number of years before being appointed as a judge for the State of Oregon in 2003.  I only hear workers' compensation cases, so if you get a speeding ticket I can't help you.  If you fall off a ladder at work, I'm your man.  


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1 minute ago, Gil&Fin said:

... if you get a speeding ticket I can't help you.


I would like to think people don't actually ask you that, but I've heard too many stories from a doctor friend that pretty much go, "Let me show you this weird rash I have, Doctor I just met at a party!" :doh:

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This is a fun thread!  I love to see what others do in their day jobs.  I was a trial lawyer for a number of years before being appointed as a judge for the State of Oregon in 2003.  I only hear workers' compensation cases, so if you get a speeding ticket I can't help you.  If you fall off a ladder at work, I'm your man.  
So you're telling me I can call you when I get caught speeding? I mean you're a judge ;)

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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I manage an auto body shop that handles the collision repair side of things not restorations or custom projects. I basically babysit a bunch of adults and make sure they meet deadlines while maintaining quality. I also fight with insurance adjusters to ensure they pay for everything it takes to properly repair cars to pre-loss condition. Don’t listen to the big guy in town who spends tons of money on commercials to make it sound like he is the only shop who properly repairs vehicles, most reputable shops properly repair vehicles. In fact if you want a good laugh look up the reviews of his shop and see how satisfied people are who buy into the commercials.

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25 minutes ago, Gil&Fin said:

This is a fun thread!  I love to see what others do in their day jobs.  I was a trial lawyer for a number of years before being appointed as a judge for the State of Oregon in 2003.  I only hear workers' compensation cases, so if you get a speeding ticket I can't help you.  If you fall off a ladder at work, I'm your man.  



You mean wo man :D and were the hell were you in 2013.................... that beam that took me out well.....................it was a great vacation but...................

Oh and fell off a ladder to :laugh: I remember being at Good Sam and they took x rays.................nurse comes in and says you have broken ribs :laugh: I say oh that was a few weeks ago when I fell off the ladder.................she asks me well how do they feel............I say well better than the leg :laugh: compound fracture and a messed up hand......................great times!!!!!!

Hell the state sucks to deal with................Get Holly on your side.............

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I’m a civil engineer that specializes in water and wastewater. The bulk of my time is spent engineering water and wastewater treatment plants and distribution/collection systems for <10,000 population cities throughout the state of Oregon. I also do master planning and funding assistance for the same projects that I design.

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