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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. Harvest #25 complete (Dec 10th) Learning - harvested slightly over 2 weeks. But didn't add mid-grow fertilizer kicker. Harvest is fine, but not as dark-dark grow the last two have been. extra fert isn't required, but help Before After Storage
  2. That's pretty awesome info! Thanks for sharing
  3. "Fluffy Sticks"- now that's a well created name. Yesterday my friend @Stephen Sturges bought a a "frag" at Cuttlefish's anniversary sale that I've titled, "Mound of Potential!" sps. It was super well encrusted, and ready to sprout - but hasn't yet.
  4. I'm amending my creative thinking. If I've gotten my monies worth out of the item, and am done with hit. Yet it's still perfectly fine, functional, etc - then it's effectively worth <$10 me, and I'm bringing it. If you want to know what I'm bringing, guess you'll have to bring something yourself and play along.
  5. Okay, I've got another entry to offer for high end approval. Upscales Microclados. ~2" frag, cut in august, well grown out and completely covering frag plug. Frag: Mother Colony, fully healed.
  6. Welcome! Reach out to @Lexinverts if you like acros. He's in Corvallis, and recently posted an update on his tank.
  7. Perfect general discussion topic. Sounds like you've got an interesting build already.
  8. I don't see many replies. I'm bringing a reefing related white elephant gift. I may be creative how I interpret the $10 limit. If I didn't actually Pay more than $10, then I'm thinking it qualifies. Hmm, hmm... Mystery Dry Box time!
  9. That's one nice looking tank. I've said it before, I'm a Stag Fan and yours look great. Maybe we need a version of the tank shots, with labels naming the corals. BTW, is that a little cowry I see at the bottom of one of the close up shots. beautiful
  10. Start a build thread when you start setting up your tank. Tell us what you've picked, why you picked the equipment you chose, and how you're hoping to run the tank. And then the blow-by-blow (purchase-by-purchase) of stocking it and bringing it up to glory. Looking forward to seeing it.
  11. Low nutrients... I had that problem in 2021. Kept zeroing out. Kicked my butt.
  12. In addition to the awesome raffle prizes (link included below), I will be giving away Swag I picked up at MACNA this year. Who would like some free Buttons, Stickers, Test kits... And ICP Basics kits. All thanks to the vendors at the show.
  13. I'd offer you some of mine, but it's currently got aptasia intermixed with it, and Those I don't want to spread around. I'll bet another club member will bring you some.
  14. Don't forget everyone, this isn't just a high roller event. It's just a new category. Organized by category. SPS/Stony, LPS/Hard, Zoa/Shrooms/Softies, and a NEW category called high roller
  15. @reefrun My Frag Entry, Lucky #20. (I'd forgotten to post this earlier) Currently living in my frag tank, before getting a final home in the display tank.
  16. How many XR-30's do you have over this tank, running 86% intensity?
  17. Success is soo sweet, but never forever. I've converted one of my frag tanks into a low flow, no predator tank. Mostly growing algae, mushrooms, and .. a baby Banggai. I've been feeding a lot of freshly hatched brine shrimp to the tank, and guess what? That's rocket fuel to grow aptasia. So today I a new batch of 12 shrimp arrived. They're going to be good friends with those aptasia. Aptasia Death, by peppermint shrimp - round 2.
  18. Talking with the creator, he said no. But I'll find out. You can go to their website to read more too.
  19. Thanks to @Electrokate, I have the used tank I need. This thread is Closed.
  20. According to bulk reef supply, tank volume is 88gallons. I was involved in helping Suncrestreef design the stand modifications to fit the bigger than original sump and roller mat. If anyone is even remotely considering this setup, It's worth it! Beautiful setup, with high end extras.
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