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Everything posted by SuncrestReef

  1. You could paint the cord to match the wall. 🤣
  2. I went back to CNC today and picked up 3 grab bags:
  3. I didn't order it on Black Friday, but my new microscope arrived today:
  4. I picked up my mystery box this morning. Things are still opening up, but here are a few initial photos. Thanks @CuttleFishandCoral Jeff!
  5. And here’s the whole tank: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Red Sea Coral Pro salt. And I do automated water changes of 1.5 gallons per day, so that's about 10% per week on my Reefer XL 425.
  7. Here's a complete photo inventory of all the corals in my tank: (these are just iPhone photos, so not the full clarity of the macro shots I typically post)
  8. Thanks for the ongoing interest in this. This month's photo had to be larger due to the growth, so I might need to come up with a different layout to show the side by side comparison. And here's a macro shot showing the polyp detail:
  9. Last year I retired early from the IT Support company I founded in 2001. The business has 20 employees now primarily supporting medical offices and law firms all over Oregon & Washington. I noticed several of you mentioned Epic medical record systems in this thread, and that's what my company specializes in supporting. Great niche to be in, as it allowed me to retire and still collect profits from the business. I've worked in the IT industry since 1986, so I've pretty much seen the whole evolution of personal computers since the beginning. I specialized in networking, security, and the whole suite of Microsoft server products. I've put my IT skills to use with a lot of home automation, networking, and of course my Apex setup. I'm pretty obsessed with my Apex so if you have any questions or problems with yours, I can probably help. (right Holly?!!)
  10. I agree, I love my Gyre FX-230. I have one on the right side of my tank, then a single WAV on the left back wall to create a cross current. The Gyre moves a LOT of water across a wider path than typical powerheads.
  11. Just curious...What's your background? Are you a mechanical engineer by profession, or is this just a side hobby in addition to reefing? Looks very cool!
  12. I have something growing in between two mushrooms. I'm guessing it's a sponge, but not certain. Any opinions?
  13. Yes, it's an illusion. There's only about 1/8" of liquid in the cup. The lid has a concave dome inside, and the sides of the cup are just hazy from scum, so in that photo it sort of looks full. Here's what it looks like when clean:
  14. That’s why I connected my Nyos 160 to the Avast skimmate locker. I only have to empty it about every 14 days.
  15. Wow, I have everything on your wishlist except for the MP40. I went with a WAV instead. I went on a pretty big shopping spree early this year! I actually purchased through a wholesaler I met on Reef2Reef and got between 10%-18% off each item.
  16. Now that my tank has been fully operational for 6 months, it’s time to do some scheduled maintenance. Today I cleaned my AquaUV sterilizer for the first time. Here’s what I found: I wrapped the tube in paper towel soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes. It cleaned up nicely. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Back when I was setting up my system, I came across this article which seems to be the most thorough discussion on aquarium floor support online. It's definitely worth a read. http://www.african-cichlid.com/Structure.htm
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