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Everything posted by youcallmenny

  1. I've got a JBJ controller already hooked to two of those black heaters they sell at petco. That other glassless heater @ninkylou linked looks nice too!
  2. @pdxmonkeyboy, how long have you been using those? Pretty cool and super cheap if they're reliable!
  3. No worries, thanks for the offer! A strong spine is a definite requirement. If mine was what it used to be I wouldn't be asking at all, haha.
  4. Move starts tomorrow morning. Tanks are being moved saturday. Phew, getting nervous!
  5. Nice! That's the exact model I'm replacing my display with after the house move this week. Looks beautiful!
  6. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2182599
  7. I compulsively check my system with my multimeter to make sure I'm not leaking anything into the water. It'd be nice to have an automated alert for this, definitely!
  8. Wow, really sorry to hear this. Can you be more specific on what broke with the heater? Did it actually physically break open?
  9. Welp, sounds like you've identified that you need to take new pictures stat!
  10. Picture is a little fuzzy but looks like majano's. Edit: that was just a guess and evidently I was incorrect. Disregard.
  11. Hey that's really cool. Thanks for sharing! This is definitely a new one to see on my part. I'd like to hear more about how they are intending to create hybrid coral species that are targeted towards surviving climate change. Fascinating prospects there!
  12. Stray botanical knowledge floats around this hobby a lot. Your theory of low stress topping holds true with my own observations of sps that is placed sideways. I would very much like to see if their is some kind of hormonal equivalent to the auxins and cytokinens that cause this behavior in plants.
  13. I'll jump on this and say I started with black boxes and they grow coral pretty well.
  14. Crazy good deal. Someone is going to love this! GLWS!
  15. @Flashy Fins, still waiting to meet up with you to pick the USB one up.
  16. I picked up that tri-color from @Bicyclebill a while back. It's a good one! Clark, that RFA is super nice. If it ever has babies I want one!
  17. I've had good luck with these pumps, though I am not sure how well it would suit your needs: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/brs-top-off-doser-50-ml-per-minute-1.html
  18. Good thing you checked off getting an MP40QD already!
  19. I'm about to be in a similar situation at the new house. I'm putting the display tanks upstairs and the fish room downstairs because I feel that is the ideal setup. Tough in my situation because I'm looking at 21+ feet in head room but not much horizontal travel. Going to be fun buying 2x Vectra - L1's for main/backup. Excited to see what you decide to do! I think in your boat I'd probably just opt to put it all downstairs so as to have more room for gear/fish room.
  20. Jack that's awesome!!! I too went for the taller look. I anticipate breeding the little buggers though with the intention of creating gift giveaway shrimp bubbles like that. That vase is really awesome and I love the rocks. Is that two-three rocks? How did you attach them? I ordered some lengths of 1/4" acrylic dowels that I will drill/glue mine together with. Here's the tank I got: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00O8SZTKQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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