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Everything posted by titus'reef

  1. You have an amazing reef! In person it looks even better!
  2. Po4 is too hight in my opinion. You might have some kind of dinos that release toxins into the water. Probably that’s the reason the snails are dying trying to eat the dinos. Run lots of carbon to remove the toxins.
  3. Stay with the blues until no more sight of algae and than slowly bring white back. If you see some algae back reduce whites again.
  4. I would also like to use the led handheld meter please. Thanks 🙏
  5. Slowly raise your nitrates to about 10. I run my UV 24/7 Turn off your skimmer and UV for at least a couple of hours when dosing the phytoplankton. I would run the lights for 6 hours max but you have to judge by how your corals are doing. Also you should change your filter socks/floss or whatever you’re using every morning.
  6. If the dinos are not too much to handle for a while I would try higher temp 82-83 and dose phytoplankton. You can reduce the light schedule to about 6 hours and dial the whites down if you have leds. I wouldn’t do a blockout yet because your corals are already not too happy. That will probably make it worse. I’m no expert but that’s what I did with mine and it worked.
  7. This is awesome. If I win tomorrow it will be amazing! This year has been tougher than ever!
  8. I totally forgot to mention but I also raised the temp to 82-83. Everyone was happy.
  9. (360) 910-0523 my friend Tony. He is a plumber. Give him a call I don’t know how busy he is but he is good.
  10. Here is my formula for the stump removal. I used this calculator. http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/calculator.htm Nitrate dosing 12grams of stump remover to exactly one liter of rodi. 1 ml of nitrate solution to 2 gallons of water = 1ppm nitrates. I tested 1mil solution to a gallon of saltwater and I get exactly 2 ppm nitrate with this formula. Test is for yourself to make sure. Hope this helps.
  11. I also had some imbalance with my tank due to lack of nutrients. 0 Po4 and No3. It started with cyano and chemi clean did wonders only to make room for the dinos. Luckily now I’m Dino free. I used phytoplankton and also dosed some Microbacter 7. A cheap Jebao 36w UV also helped. I stirred the dinos from the sand at night and let the UV do it’s thing.
  12. Congratulations to all the winners so far!
  13. Nothing to say here anymore. It’s all been said! Good luck!
  14. Just curious if you’re running the uv 24/7?
  15. Bump on this. I still have the lights. the Skimz and Tunze skimmer. OBO
  16. I just sent my BRS temp controller back so they can check it as the temperature swing was 2-3 degrees when was supposed to be .3 degrees. I hope they can figure this out for me. The titanium heaters from BRS are small and nice though.
  17. Great little pumps. They are dead quiet and put up a lot of flow. I run them at about 50% at the moment
  18. Finally almost done organized all the cables and installed the Dos for the AWC and I love it. No more buckets to move around 😎 I used 55gallon barrels for the fresh and saltwater right underneath my little work bench in the garage nothing fancy but it works. I used kayak hatches on top for easy access.
  19. I’ve been taking it very slowly, but finally some updates. I don’t have many corals as I’m still working on getting a few fish. I have a flame angel that’s in the sump right now because he is a bully. He pick on all the corals including the leather coral. I was trying my luck with this beautiful fish and it has to go. Everything else is good so far.
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