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Everything posted by titus'reef

  1. He wanted to get a tan before you showed up.
  2. I’ll let you know if it falls through.
  3. Diamond goby for sale, I don’t want it to eat my sand anymore! Lol $30
  4. Very nice idea. I was thinking to add some orange/red behind the tank as well to brake down the blue spill from my led and it’s nice complementary color for each other too. Fighting light with light.
  5. I would first make sure it’s diatoms. But if your tank is just in the beginning of the cycle it could be it.
  6. I am mixing my own solutions for both. I use stump removal for no3 https://www.lowes.com/pd/Spectracide-16-oz-Stump-Remover/4764059?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-lwn-_-google-_-lia-_-241-_-grassandweedchemicals-_-4764059-_-0&placeholder=null&ds_rl=1286981&gclid=CjwKCAiAuoqABhAsEiwAdSkVVOZA02bc8KNFvGnJzvJHkErTqsZ7t9yiQvl0T8jolX5iAUdb2vBn2xoCPdwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds and trisodium phosphate for po4 Trisodium Phosphate [Na3O4P] 99.9% ACS Grade Crystals 8 Oz in a Space-Saver Bottle USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WSKKTZ6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_SHZaGb008TN9Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  7. One advice from me is to get ready to dose nitrates and phosphates (in most situations) Dinoflagellates are the popular new problem people are dealing with. Back than we were all trying to go to 0 Po4 and No3 but now things have changed. We got smarter. Welcome back!
  8. I can wait another week once it’s brought back though. No rush
  9. That was the one not so good for leds a few month’s ago.
  10. I was going to offer 3 options. A B and C. But random pick at chipotle is more fun.
  11. This is what I had in mind but using the F Aiptasia instead. good luck. Let us know the outcome.
  12. Has anyone tried using Faptisia? I would think it can stop if from spreading for a while once you cover the area.
  13. I have a skimz but need a pump. Pm me if interested.
  14. You have an amazing reef! In person it looks even better!
  15. Po4 is too hight in my opinion. You might have some kind of dinos that release toxins into the water. Probably that’s the reason the snails are dying trying to eat the dinos. Run lots of carbon to remove the toxins.
  16. Stay with the blues until no more sight of algae and than slowly bring white back. If you see some algae back reduce whites again.
  17. I would also like to use the led handheld meter please. Thanks 🙏
  18. Slowly raise your nitrates to about 10. I run my UV 24/7 Turn off your skimmer and UV for at least a couple of hours when dosing the phytoplankton. I would run the lights for 6 hours max but you have to judge by how your corals are doing. Also you should change your filter socks/floss or whatever you’re using every morning.
  19. If the dinos are not too much to handle for a while I would try higher temp 82-83 and dose phytoplankton. You can reduce the light schedule to about 6 hours and dial the whites down if you have leds. I wouldn’t do a blockout yet because your corals are already not too happy. That will probably make it worse. I’m no expert but that’s what I did with mine and it worked.
  20. This is awesome. If I win tomorrow it will be amazing! This year has been tougher than ever!
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