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Everything posted by maxicurls

  1. If you guys are in, I’ll order the 50 pack & you can pick them up at Moloko.
  2. Gumby, if you want to go in on a bunch, I’m in.
  3. I seem to have a lot of latitude. Run mine during hours when the bar is empty & vent the skimmer out the roof. Since I haven’t detected any ill effects, I’ve worked it up to about 6 hours a day. I’m sure it could go longer without issue. I do not remember what dosage I have it set to. My system is not typical. So you should probably be more careful. Mine has high turnover from the return pump & lots of gas exchange as it drops into the basement. I’ve been doing a high import/high export thing - feed heavily, skim heavily, do lots of water changes. My heavy feeding means more positively charged particles for ozone to attach itself to, if I’m not mistaken. Might be a factor.
  4. Might make a marginal difference in those, but is mainly for the other things I mentioned. Low ORP is associated with dirty, bacteria laden water. There are many ways of raising it without ozone. Movement & surface agitation help, basically things that raise dissolved oxygen would tend to raise ORP as well.
  5. I’ve read that there is some danger of overdose, but I have not had any issues, even if I run it lots. But my system is pretty big & funky. It puts negatively charged molecules in the water which attach themselves to various other molecules & precipitate. I imagine if there’s too much of this, the reactivity of the water could get to a point where it becomes mildly corrosive.
  6. I run a large ozonator with an attached compressor on my system. Whenever it’s running, my skimmer is way more productive. It’s the quickest way to raise ORP, they say ORP is a measure of your water’s capacity to oxidize & precipitate impurities out of the water, is my understanding. Ozone can make a noticeable difference in the clarity of the water. Fish will shed old scales & heal faster. Bacterial crap won’t fester as much. Many of the effects are similar to what you’d get by running UV. It’s all fairly marginal, so you might not necessarily notice. Might not be worth it in your case.
  7. Are you selling those Phoenixes for $10?? Rainbow Phoenixes were my retirement plan. You’ve destroyed the market!
  8. They are very much known for their aggression. I used to consider getting one occasionally, but every thread I ever found pointed to them being psychopathic.
  9. This is a favia. If you feed it, it will grow much faster. And too much light might make it appear pale or washed out, if that’s what you mean.
  10. I love all the jawfish. The building of the cave & the hoarding of objects cracks me up. The frowny face & nonviolent grumpiness are pretty solid as well. A perennial favorite at the bar. I don’t do blue spot jawfish anymore because my tanks are too warm for them to thrive. We have a dusky one now, & a couple yellow heads in QT, all fantastic fish. If I could have only one fish, it might be a jawfish.
  11. Man a hardcore aquarium aficionado has moved back to halide in the last few years. I believe that’s what Jason Fox still uses.
  12. Y’all are even more popular than usual today! Well deserved!
  13. If you put it in a tank with a whole bunch of damsels, I wonder how long it’d take to clear it? Could be a dope display.
  14. I never test par. I just blast them with tons of blue light from every source I can stuff in there & maybe 15% white for 7 hours. I used to use much more white - higher intensity & more time. I haven’t done a scientific test, but my colors are definitely way better. Growth may have slowed a little, but I can’t be sure.
  15. Hi everybody, All my pink birdsnest died mysteriously awhile back. I need some for a project, hopefully a nice little pile. Looking for the fine-branched pink stuff. Will trade coral or credit from Moloko!
  16. Buy mine. Basically unused. I believe it’s a 150 gallon. Can meet you in NoPo. $50
  17. Might they get along, perhaps, both being pectinias? I’ve never had a pectinia either.
  18. I do believe Robert badaxgillen has some on hand.
  19. Sbreef is way better for basic led boxes imo. $145 shipped for their most simple one. The blues on OR lights fade dramatically after about a year with normal use & often fail completely by the end of the second year & the fans go out quick too. The power supplies fail at around the same time. It used to be ok because they would sell you new parts fairly cheap, but they don’t seem to want to do that anymore.
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