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What are you good at besides reefing?


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I'm a mechanical engineer for work, but mountain biking is my passion during the time of year that reefing takes a back seat. I'm very mechanically inclined, so I've always enjoyed working on cars and bikes. I guess that's part of what draws me to the technical side of reefing too


 I figured that bicycles were a big part of BicycleBill's life, but not the mechanical engineering.  That is cool to know Bill, thanks for sharing.

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He's a smart boy! Actually most of my fishing is done in the willamette, and private ponds for some hawg largemouth. I'm really itching to try the Oregon city area (falls). Anyone ever have luck there?

It's on, surface temp a couple days ago was 62.5 so I think they are in post spawn mode by now.

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I enjoy experimenting and designing things, whether it's a meal, a cocktail or a garden space. My wife and I spent a few years designing and building a backyard retreat that was highlighted in a Sunday spread in the Oregonian recently. The photography is mine, which is another hobby that gobbles money....







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Wow, that is beautiful! This would definitely go on my list of what I'm NOT good at.

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Reefing is my career and hobby. I run an aquarium maintenance business in the Corvallis area and a 500 square foot greenhouse for corals. that takes up most of my time. As far as other hobbies go, Its mostly just firewood. Cut it in the spring, split it and stack it in the summer, burn it in the fall and winter, repeat the next year. I also love my vegetable garden and the fruit orchard. between work and firewood, I usually have just enough time in the day to have dinner with my wife, kiss her goodnight and then wake up and do it all over again.

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I am with Kyle on this one, reefing is my career and hobby. I also run a maintenance business and have a "fish house" with well over 1000 gallons of salt water tanks within, my green house however has other things inside. Long ago, before all the corals, I was a cook for 10 years so that is my original trade. I can fly in the kitchen. I have been keeping aquariums since I could catch fish and frogs as a youngster and always enjoyed animals working on the coast and farms through part of my teen years. I remember being 7 and accidentally breaking my first aquarium, learning at an early age.


My life now revolves around corals, customer accounts via aquariums\ponds , and my children...What else is there?


But as far as the thread title goes I would say that I am good at problem solving, working, and helping...That is all I do.

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I'm good at torturing 100s of college students in my biology courses.

Whenever I can use reefing for teaching examples, I do.

This past week, I was teaching osmoregulation, and I got to share about how I made my Wellsophyllia double in size after accidentally lowering my salinity after a water change. Lol!

Edited by Lexinverts
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Well besides reefing I attempt to salmon/steelhead fish, do a little hiking and enjoy taking care of my yard. I work for Union Pacific driving a boom truck currently, ran the behemoth you see below most of last year




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Well besides reefing I attempt to salmon/steelhead fish, do a little hiking and enjoy taking care of my yard. I work for Union Pacific driving a boom truck currently, ran the behemoth you see below most of last year




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I tryed a few times to get on with UP and could never make it out of the lottery.


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Let's see... this looks like fun.


Things that I am pretty good at include basic science research (putting my PhD on neuroscience to work before I moved into administration in order to make a living).


Working on mechanical things including cars, bikes (two of my favorites), etc. - used to put together my own computers when I had time.


Photography - used to shoot dance events for my favorite troop here in PDX.


Garden and interior design - I inherited a pretty good eye from my mother.


Puzzles - I love to figure things out and put things together.


Wish I was good at music as I enjoy it a lot but, sadly, a late start has restricted me to drumming (world music stuff mostly) and just appreciating other talented folk.

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Building ARs and long range shooting as a great actor once said " i can shoot the fleas off a dogs back at 500 yards and its pointed straight at your head lol

Back to the future 3!!???


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