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Manny Tavan

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Everything posted by Manny Tavan

  1. I set an alarm but I’m not even planning to buy anything cause I don’t have room. That’s how good Holly’s sales are lol
  2. Let me know if you have that trio. Looking to buy or trade. Thanks!
  3. Don’t they have yellow tangs for $90 usually?
  4. This is the mom when I bought it 6 months ago. Jeff had cut a big one in three at CnC in January and this was one of them. Lineage goes back to Elite Reef
  5. Natural split. My large CSB split in three and I am selling one of them cause I was able to get it off the rockwork $600 obo
  6. I did one last month is everything was fine except for increased aluminum
  7. No update for the last six months cause the tank was struggling. Lots of corals not growing and lots of corals dying. Unless I did weekly water changes, a lot of things were starting to die. Last week I found the reason why. The back up heater was broken
  8. This I think is considered the holy grail. Green gold with purple tips Am I correct?
  9. What do people consider holy grail torches these days? it seems like any purple/gold is called a dragon soul. While the green/gold is holy grail. I think the true holy grail needs to have purple tips. here’s an example of my fake holy Grail which has the teal colored tips
  10. I ordered 0.5 inch berghia nudibranchs online and they arrive tomorrow (Friday 18th). Between the time I ordered and waited for them to be in stock, my aipatasia problem is significantly better after introducing 10 peppermint shrimps. I don't think I have enough aiptasia to feed these Berghia anymore. They'll die in my system cause I only have a few aiptasia left they cost $16 each but I'm letting them go for $100 ($10 each). Only catch is that they much be picked up either Friday or Saturday (I'll keep them in the bag in the sump)
  11. Oh wow. If you have stuff you need to to house (maybe some corals you really want to save) I can try to make room but I’m at level 1 still. Just let me know
  12. Has anyone had to evacuate? What did you do with your livestock? Im still at level 1 but the fires are moving closer
  13. My calcium reactor co2 tank pressure is at 250 currently and I still get 10 psi at the regular. When should I consider it empty and switch out for a full tank?
  14. he probably wants 2016 prices, not the 2020 price...I would too
  15. homebrew exhange just got me a 5lbs bottle. Call them up?
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