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Everything posted by Bevo5

  1. Screw the workshop - how much just to make one?
  2. Good luck. That takes a miracle.
  3. The old reset to the rescue!
  4. Can you try plugging the cable from the modem into a computer to make sure it's working? Then at least you can start sorting out the problem. What do you mean by "see it?" Are you using a wireless bridge or anything like that? I think you also have to restart the apex when you connect a new cable. Or at least give that a shot. After that go to the Neptune website and post on the forum there. Super knowledgeable people and apex tech support people will respond and help.
  5. He's probably about 3in. Had him for a year. I will be selling him but I'm putting everything through a two week QT first since the tank has had ich in it before. So he'll be in cupramine for a couple weeks starting tomorrow or monday.
  6. Oh the trap worked great. I borrowed Jorge's and caught all kinds of fish. Wrasses. Tangs. Hawks etc. this guy just didn't want to play ball. He almost got caught once but when I dropped the lid he bolted and never went back. I tried everything. Now the goal is to not put anything in that I might have to take out.
  7. Dangit - I meant to put this one on the Acan. Sorry guys. I'll bump that one up to $60 to make it up!
  8. Man. I've been trying to get this blue tang out of my tank for a few weeks. I've tried all sorts of traps. I've managed to catch every single other fish multiple times. But this guy refuses. Finally today I just went for it. Had to remove a ton of rock and knocked over too many corals, but after two hours worth of work I got him. No point to this story other than to celebrate. I've wanted him out for a while and now I can finally move on.
  9. Sorry guys. Brain claimed this guy earlier. Thanks.
  10. Good size, good eater. Has the blue lines on the face so does that mean it's a male? I don't know. He wondered into the fish trap while I was trying to catch something else and I just figured why not pull him out too. $20 in NE portland.
  11. Yeah maybe some more photos. I'm by no means an expert - but it'll be silent if it goes full siphon. So for that you'd need to cut it down a bit further so it's below the water level. Do you have an emergency drain somewhere else? Only go full siphon if you do.
  12. My pistol shrimp makes a noticeable click every now and then.
  13. I'm bowing out fellas - you guys got me beat and I don't have pics. Good luck.
  14. It's called Apex Browse Utility or something like that. Download that onto your computer and then it will search for any APEX that is hooked up to internet. If it shows up just select "open in browser' - that will take you to the classic desktop. In the top corner of that you'll get the Fusion Token - which you just plug into the fusion website and you're golden. Good luck.
  15. Try downloading the desktop apex program. It will search for any apex in the area. If you're plugged into Ethernet then it will show up. From there you can set up fusion. I don't know what you'll get out of the display that will help but I don't know much so who knows! Where are you located? I'm in ne Portland and you could borrow mine for a bit. Need some collateral though! No offense.
  16. What are you trying to do? If it's connected to the internet you can download the apex program to your computer and just connect through that locally. Then you get you fusion key etc.
  17. CO2 scrubber works well.
  18. There are certainly plenty of ways to keep them fed. I could drop in a sand sifting star every couple weeks. Or cut legs etc. but that just seems pretty hard core. Then again. I knew I had a sand sifter in the tank but couldn't find him yesterday. There is 16sq ft of sand surface area to dig through and he evaded me. Either way. They found him within 12hrs. Got a video of them pulling the star into their new lair. I'll post it later. So at least they're getting a good first meal.
  19. I don't have a ton of asterina but I hate looking all those asymmetrical blobs in the tank. So today I picked up a pair of awesome harlequin shrimp from Jeff at c&c. The shrimp are just hanging out. But man. Word spread. About a hundred (tank is a 200) asterina are high tailing it up the glass en masse. They must have gotten a whiff of the shrimp. I'm not pulling the stars out even though it'd be easy now. Gonna try and see if I can sustain enough of a population to keep the shrimp happy long term. Otherwise they gotta go to someone else.
  20. I also saw a thread on Metro for dinos. If that ends up working than we could be looking at eliminating two major sources of aggravation for reef keepers.
  21. With the set up you have wouldn't it just be easier to heat the sump room?
  22. I'd only worry about how fast it heats up and then subsequently how long it stay hot. Not like It just cools off immediately.
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