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Everything posted by Jeramy

  1. I have had success with emerald crabs in the past you just have to keep an eye on them =)
  2. Thanks I will have to remember that one I am not fat just metabolically challenged! =)
  3. I have always done the full siphon half way up my over flow that way I have maximum room for adjustment and there is no chance of it forming a vortex and sucking air which makes a lot of noise also fully agree that a gate valve is the best bet yet you can do it with a ball valve it is just harder that way. Also not sure what kind of flow you will be having from your return but the full siphon can move a lot of water so you may want to have the larger pipe be the emergency drain and make the smaller the main drain.
  4. Very Nice build I love this size cube , the main siphon on your herbie drain should be a little lower so that it does not suck in air from the surface, good call on the gate valve they are the only way to go when dialing in a drain worth every dollar. Good job on painting the inside of the stand to help prolong life also the white sides will make it easier to see when working under there. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to watching this reef grow =)
  5. Glad I could make your week end better. I am very disappointed in the 49ers defense on a fantasy level but am very happy from the prospective of a seahawks fan. I had a lot of disappointment with this team. I am thinking about calling up my back up D from the Buffalo Bills. Andrew luck does not get to play the jags every week but 40 points did help out a lot!
  6. My feeling is "Fish that are potential nippers" are just a matter of time and before they go rouge. So it will depend on weather you are willing to take the risk for this fish.Lots of people will point to successes they have had with different types of fish but getting problem fish out of an established reef can be a real pain and they onlways go rouge on the most expensive corals first.
  7. That cap is a clean out for a drain make sure you don't just leave it open as that could en up making a huge mess =)
  8. Oh Frank you are killing me so sad every time I see your posts some day I will have SPS again =)
  9. Portland lighting should be able to get you one of these
  10. I love the name tag Idea! It really helps put names to faces and such =)
  11. Awesome have a blast for me I am on call and won't make it. I love getting to visit TPA.
  12. I think this is a wicked cool Idea(rock2) however I am sick of the ridiculous mark up on new reef products this does not look like it is $300 awesome.DOH! Very cool concept and could see this making it big in the nano world (rock2) Smuggling plans to Jeabo as we speek (plotting)
  13. Yeah how bout that 49ers defense sure am glad I did not go with my back up d the bills I would have netted 18 more points DOH!
  14. I would like the wp 10 if it has not been snagged already
  15. I have a Nuvo 38 that I am still in the planning stages of setting up. One of the things I was planning to do is a 4-6 inch sand bed. The first 3 inches would be sugar fine sand cover with some egg crate and screen material to keep it undisturbed. Then adding an additional 1-3 inches of the figi pink sand that is already live and cycled from my existing tank. I plan to have very minimal live rock and want to keep this system contained as an all in one no sumps or hang on the back E.Q. still debating if I want to use the skimmer I have for this or just keep it all natural for filtration (with the exception of some carbon to keep the water clear) This will not be a SPS tank and I tend to keep my bio load very light Lots of softies and lps. 1) What are your thoughts of a deep sand bed in a nano? 2) Has any one here had experience with DSB in a Nano?
  16. That turned out really good! I will be taking notes from this for future builds. Does the floating canopy have the ability to be raised and lowered for maintenance and light acclimation? The attention to detail is excellent on this build. Looking forward to seeing this progress going forward =)
  17. Yes only way to reseal is to completely tear down and start fresh. However that looks more like some water dripped down and settled in between the Glass and the plastic frame. Clean it up and keep a close eye on it . Hope all the best for you =)
  18. I have played off and on sense the early 90s I still uave a few decks of some newer stuff and me and the wife play from time to time lots of fun.
  19. My experience is that if you try and put to big of a pump in that tiny chamber you will have more of a heat issue kinda like if you put to small of a radiator on your car Might be better to put a korila nano in the display even though it eats up precious realastate. Just my thoughts though.
  20. Wow thats a very generouse lovin you are sharin. Share the love man =)
  21. I know that upscales has the pc lamps I believe that they are 24 watts =)
  22. Looks like the stand you have is a little over kill for a40 breeder that probably weighs 400 or less pounds. If you took out the center support in the front and were worried about the stucture just add another 1x piece of pine running horizontaly behind the one that is in front and painte black, or even use a 2x4. If you are concerned go to petco and look at the stands that they are selling to hold a 55 yours will be just fine =)
  23. Woot this is awesome cant wait 2 meetings in one month (rock2) Do you want us to chip in on the food and drinks?
  24. Most par lamps require that they be mounted higher to get good spread where a diy light in your hood could spread out your leds how you like aslo most all par 38 have optics but on a tank this size they would not be needed hope that helps =) Also if you use multiple colors and spread them out to much you will increases the color banding/disco effect which some people like and some people hate personal preferance.
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