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Everything posted by Colbymac92

  1. Would you please yell at Red Sea for raising the price of their salt
  2. Don’t recommend it around reef stuff. The material is not great
  3. Hello, starting a thread for my bubblegum Millie. My bubblegum Millie from Natalie, started to STN after two years of growth. I fragged it up today and will have them available with more detailed pricing information once they have healed up, and show tissue growth or have fused together. Prices will start at $40 location: Beaverton Photos of original mini colony from December and of present frags.
  4. The ratio depends entirely on the type of coral.
  5. Very interesting! I’d like to come, but I’m disappointed in their lack of whiskey available 😜
  6. I saw a gallon doing a huge terrarium on YouTube with all sorts of plants, insects and other stuff
  7. Is it common for new sps frags to be encrusting the plug? Personally, I want fresh frags so they’re easy to pop off onto new plugs…
  8. Should have let me know when I was there! I would have grabbed this and/or your favia! he has a great tank, highly recommend his corals for anyone pondering
  9. Sorry, not following as I’m a visual person. Are you looking for something Like this: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/mur-lok-garden-hose-utility-sink-adapter.html?ab_version=B&utm_term=&utm_campaign=EL+|+ACQ_Smart_Shopping+|+ROAS+|+All+Products&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=7373341438&hsa_cam=17740353356&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoKeuBhCoARIsAB4WxtfxGDjKwl3zAY6Ae33xkT8T1HBbCehoVK__2zAzA1DHk3dRTRaHdQUaAs4kEALw_wcB or https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjY8f-5-aaEAxUMFq0GHVLwC_4YABAIGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoKeuBhCoARIsAB4WxtffusiiKzmLutaenU5bQedc-Wer_ha4eHB7y7I8FVCC0ukiiMrLV-EaAjYPEALw_wcB&sig=AOD64_0Y06m7LP_s1wY6T7megu_CUf0NDg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiP8ve5-aaEAxWlJzQIHaRgB9QQwg8oAHoECAgQDA&adurl=
  10. Colbymac92

    Help tang

    Without a photo, it’s difficult to be certain. It’s likely just stress from the loss of heat
  11. I’ve started using hydrogen peroxide with good success for corals and fish
  12. If things fall through for the hydra 26, I’ll take it
  13. I’m sorry for your loss, this stuff blows, and not how you want it to go down. But on the other hand I’m kinda jealous that you can have a Fowlr now. I’ve had an itch for one the last year, and I just can’t pull the trigger
  14. Tons of times I’ve came close to giving up. Never have because consistency = Success. But the amount of effort I’ve given changes, and thus what I’m willing to put into it. This hobby has high’s and lows for sure. the couple big times it was: 1) after a 10 day power outage 2) losing all my fish due to heater malfunction the day after they finished a 90 day QT for ich and letting my reef go fallow. The last time disaster struck, I threaten my tank that if a disaster occurs again, I’m done with corals and just doing a Fowler tank. Anyways I ended up suddenly becoming very good at growing sticks and now I’m hooked again. So I guess I learned never get too high on your supply, or too low either. It’s okay for your interest to come and go cuz that’s life.
  15. Are those butterfly reef safe? Pretty sure they eat softies
  16. I’ll take it if they bail. Would make for a good qt
  17. Are the cyphastrea also $15?
  18. I’ll take: - blue thunder - Oregon tort - magic dragon
  19. Depends! Do you want a fresh cut or would you like it to heal/encrust the plug? How big of a piece would you like? I was thinking about 1.5" for $40? but im flexible to meet your budgetary needs
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