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Manny Tavan

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Everything posted by Manny Tavan

  1. Install repeaters where the Internet sucks
  2. Tried to sell my three yellow and achilles last week. No takers...
  3. In 2050 the lights will just float above the tank. Can’t wait...
  4. Adding a frag of green slimmer since you guys are playing hard to get
  5. I’ll add this too 3” disk of aquaman monti and some orange monti digitata
  6. Free coral with purchase. I’ll keep adding free corals until it sells This one is a big 2-3” of meteor shower cyphastrea
  7. what's the RMF Jared’s Strazzleberry? Can't find any references of it, or colony picture
  8. Diatom is like puberty. It’s ugly but it’ll pass...
  9. It’s interesting that you call it clone. So far all the splits I’ve seen have had slightly different colorations. But they all came from the same one. First split was slightly more red. Second split was more orange. This split is the brightest I’ve had so far. It’s like bright Cheetos color. Wish I could keep this one but it’s on the move
  10. Welcome back! -no sand -no sand -no sand -no sand -no sand those are my top 5
  11. $500 I call it “Insane Cheetos” formerly known as Colorado Sunburst (elite reef lineage)
  12. I think AWC is probably best for balancing out a mild issue. for removal of a problem it’s not going to be as effective as a bigger water change if you take something that has a concentration of 100ppm for instance and you do a 50% water change. You’ve reduced to 50ppm if you spread that water change and do 10% x 5 ( same volume) you’ve only reduced it to 60ppm
  13. My nitrates are 2.5-5 and I actually have to dose nitrate to get it up there because I have a well functioning refugium right now the color of my sps is continually improving. Not sure I’ll will need anything else Im not saying rowaphos is what everyone needs to be using. I think our reefs are all different. Mine for some reason needed it badly. Everything else was not working.
  14. I haven’t. Mostly because I still don’t have a good idea why this is working for me
  15. I don’t lug buckets either. I fill a 40 gallon brute trash can. Mix salt. Pump out 40 gallon, pump in 40 gallon. It’s just not AWC. I guess when I think of AWC I imaging a slow continuous drip out and a slow drip in
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