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Everything posted by TaylorW

  1. Thanks but I'm not quite at that point yet lol! Just curious if anyone has tried it Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  2. I was sort of thinking the same, I get it for the types of clowns in the video though. I'd just never seen it before and was curious if anyone had tried it and with any success. I haven't had my clowns in my new tank long enough to do anything quite this drastic, all mine have eventually found their way into an Anenome, sometimes it just takes a loooooong time lol! Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  3. Curious how long people usually borrow the par meters? When my turn comes I want to be sure I don't hang on to it for too long but I'd also like to make use of it for at least a weekend or a few days lol, plan on recording par at different intensities with my new light. There's a chart I found online someone made of par levels with my light at 12" (recommend) but mine is at about ~7"-8" because I had to mount it inside my canopy. And if I had time would like to check my other tanks as well Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  4. Not sure where to find a big clear pipe though lol. Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  5. Beautiful Elegance coral! Seems like silly Clownfish will be host to everything but lol. Mine in my 50 are currently being hosted by the bottom left corner of the tank. Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  6. I bought this skimmer for a great deal, couldn't pass it up... It's much too large for a 50 gallon tank though. It's a Hydor 705 Recirculating Protein Skimmer, originally a $400 skimmer, comes with two pumps, main pump has new impeller, works great for a tank up to 300 gallons! Everything works amazingly well. You don't need a specific water height for this skimmer which is pretty cool, I guess it can also be ran out of sump but I've been using it in sump. You can't tell from the picture but this skimmer is very large! The measurements are in one of the photos I posted. Looking to trade for a skimmer that's more suited for my tank, a 50 gallon with 20 gallon sump. Maybe a Curve 5 or something?? Let me know if you are in need of a larger skimmer and want to trade!! Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  7. Bump... Still have it. Looking for trades! Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  8. Aww how cute lol, I used to have a Scarlet hermit crab that liked to change his shell it seemed like almost daily. A lot of the shells tended to have Xenia or Kenya tree coral stalks growing on them, was pretty funny to see. I try to keep lots of extra shells for the hermits so they are less tempted to try to steal a living snail's shell! Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  9. [emoji10] Wow lol. That's a beautiful fish Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  10. Wow that's awesome you didn't have a complete loss like I did!! It still sucks thought to lose anything. I don't have the $ right now for the Apex myself (my birthday is coming up though so fingers crossed [emoji6]) but after that catastrophe I just use a $25 controller and fans, don't need large fans either. I use one of those ~4 inch USB fans on my 50, someone could probably get by with one or two fans on each end of the tank on a larger one. I can't believe how great they work! $5 at Walmart lol. I don't remember if anyone else mentioned it but you will go through more fresh water. Couple weeks now stays steady maybe half degree temp fluctuation over night that's it now. My 50 is the only tank that I've had issues like this with temp swings, it's because of my new SB Reef 32" light and the recent weather... Light's probably a bit overkill for this sized tank but I love it and plan on hanging on to it for a future upgrade (good thing my husband doesn't see this lol, just upgraded this tank[emoji16]) Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  11. That's such a great point, heard the same but then you also get stability stability hammered in your head with reef tanks... I can't imagine more than a degree or two could hurt too much? But then again I don't own a lot of SPS!! I guess maybe it depends on how much of a temperature increase and decrease it is too? I know I was freaking out when my tank got up to 82-83 then dipped back down to 78 at night! Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  12. Just curious if you've tried a temperature controller? Sorry can't answer about the sps... I am currently just using a small USB fans blowing over the top of one of my tanks, timer set to come in when my lights do. Was having a 3-5 degree temp change recently and this seems to do the trick. Temp controllers are great too!! I just tried to diagnose the issues, when the temp went up, why. In my recent case my new light was causing a temp increase, slowly raising the temp during the day. I bought a small USB fan plugged it into a power strip with USB port, set timer to come on when my lights do, so far so good. Also use temp controllers now since I've had a crash from a stuck on heater, they kick off your heater if it gets above your set temp Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  13. Your best bet would be to set up your new tank with the new sand, all fresh Saltwater, let it heat to correct temperature around ~24 hours, start by adding your rock let it settle a few more hours then add your fish. That's how I've done it countless times with great success, never any losses!! Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  14. I recently switched everything over from my old 40 to my new acrylic 50 with no losses, I've always just tossed the old sand, bought all new. So much nasties in old sand... the only time I've ever had an ammonia and nitrate spike switching tanks was when I decided to keep my old sand, you could try washing it first but to me it's just easier to buy new, you'd probably only need a ten pound bag. Besides your old sand will hang on to phosphates then can leach them out causing some serious algae issues, imo why take the risk you can buy a bag of sand for less than $10, and keep a cup or two of the old to seed it if you want. I prefer live sand personally, some people don't like it because it can cloud the water for a bit and a bit more $ depending on where you get it but in my experience it clears by morning if you just add it at night. Sometimes it costs a tad more but I'm the type that likes anything that shaves time off maintenance, so I spend the extra $1 or $2 to cut out having to lug around another bucket and have to rinse rinse rinse... Most dry sand you need to rinse, live sand is easier imo. I just cut open a corner drop it in and drag the bag across the bottom then spread it out. You could keep a cup full of your old sand to seed the new if you like. Absolutely NO reason to keep old tank water, use all new! Little beneficial bacteria is in the water itself, it's actually best to do all new like doing a large water change! Also like cured live rock, just a preference. I'm sure others can chime in on their preference, experiences. A tank that size should be quick and fairly easy, just have your water made up and heated etc. I know all my fish and corals were happy to have nice clean water and new digs to explore lol! You'll be fine, it's really not tough since you're basically just swapping and adding new sand and maybe more rock. You shouldn't have much if any spikes or a cycle at all if you add new sand, using your old sand you most certainly will have a small spike especially if you don't rinse it (it can and does happen, happened to me!) If you vacuum your sand bed a lot you probably don't have a ton of micro fauna anyway, and if you don't vacuum it then it's probably just nasty lol... If you don't vaccum it try stirring up a bit of your sand and watch what happens... Do you want that in your nice new tank? [emoji50] Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  15. I bought a couple BRS Media reactors from a forum member not too long ago and only need one so looking to trade one. It's the deluxe Model BRS Media Reactor comes with pump and Tubing. Have a package of GFO phosphate remover I can toss in too if you want. Let me know what you have to trade, not really interested in SPS right now. Especially looking for Rock Flower anenomes, Maxi Mini Carpet Anenomes, brain corals, bright colors mushrooms, hammer, torch, bubble tip anenomes, Acans etc Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  16. Yay! You won't be disappointed if you do! They are by far the most entertaining critters I've ever had in a reef tank. If you don't keep frags in your sand bed you're good! Frag racks can solve that for you though. I didn't buy mine as a pair originally, I found the yellow watchman goby first at Saltwater Obsessions in Gresham then a couple months later found the Tiger Pistol Shrimp at The World Of Wet pets in Beaverton. They found each other in the tank almost immediately after I added the Pistol Shrimp, really interesting how that's instinctual! Oh and thanks again for the Hydor pump! I'm using it now for the return pump in my 50, it's quieter than my Danner model 5 and more flow. Would love to see what [emoji226] you end up with Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  17. I feel your pain, I bought a cute little Domino Damsel a few years back that turned into a much larger fish and bullied to death two fish I'd had for years before I was finally able to get it out of there. Did you actually see it bullying your new fish? The only Damsels I've been able to keep longer term are two yellow bellied Kupang Damsels (seem to stay much smaller and more passive) they sort of remind me of tiny Blue Tangs. Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  18. I have one of those tiny USB fans pointed across the top of my tank, set to come on when my lights come on. Seems to work fine, was having a 3-4 degree temp change during the day (up to 82!) And so far so good. Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  19. I just love your tank! You have amazing corraline growth, the nem I got from you a while back is doing great!! I'm glad you guys had fun on your vacation [emoji4] isn't it fascinating to see your Clownfish finally go into their anenome for the first time! I never thought mine would in my old tank, it took almost two years then I woke up one morning and they were all snuggled up in it's tentacles! I'm still waiting for my new Black Ice Clownfish to find one of the Nems in my new 50, hasn't been long enough yet to start thinking of stuff to try and coax them into one... I might try putting a rock with a nem or two in their sleeping spot (bottom left front corner) to see if it works Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  20. I love this idea! I'm assuming you have to cycle it right? Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  21. Lol[emoji23] Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  22. If you can't find anyone Walmart sells 50 gallon totes for $19 I believe, and 35 gallon garbage cans for around $10. I bought a 50 gallon tote for the same thing last month but I'm using it to store RODI water now or I'd loan it to you Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  23. Welcome!! Your tanks look great, and it is a very addicting hobby for sure. Your story sounds very similar to mine! You've found the right place for your addiction [emoji12] probably a good 70 percent of my corals have came from people on this forum, I check the classifieds daily (several times a day) it's a great place to ask questions, awesome support as well. Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  24. There you go! Got some people much closer! Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
  25. I don't know where you're located but there's a company in Cornelius called HP Pipe And Supply that has their yard full of this kind of stuff!! I don't know if they sell it but it couldn't hurt to ask right? I would bet they have everything you're looking for. They could very well have scraps. I drive by it all the time, it's near my work. I don't know anything about this stuff but they most definitely have large and very large diameter PVC. Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk
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