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Everything posted by Jack-the-reefer

  1. The pic is in my first post. The one at the top will be the easier one to get out. It's probably 4" across.
  2. Mine is one of Steve's too. They sure like to split.
  3. My rainbow bubble tip just wandered off to the corner and split. I'd like to sell one of them, and right now it's sitting on a piece of rubble. How long should I leave it to heal before I post it for sale?
  4. Jayce, you're next. I'll text you when he's ready to move on.
  5. I'm in vancouver. I was hoping for a cool mix like that, but this one doesn't play well with others. It was leaving dead spots on the other caps I wanted it to mix with.
  6. I have a purple monti cap that I don't have a place for. ita about the size of the Palm of your hand, and free to anyone that can keep sps. If you want it, and are confident you can keep it alive, it's all yours. Just let me know.
  7. I picked up a sea hare to finish off what's left of the gha in my tank. I'm sure it won't take more than a week or two for it to clean up my tank though. I'd like to have someone to pass this guy on to once the job is done. I'd really like for this guy to just get passed around to people that need a clean up. If you're having gha issues, let me know and I'll pass him on to you for free. The only stipulation is you have to promise to pass him along to the next person when you're tank is cleaned up.
  8. Does anyone have a sea hare they're willing to rent to me for a week? I figured out my algae problem, now I'm just impatient and I want what's still there gone.
  9. Sand dollars make great frag disks. Other than that, nothing you can collect here will survive in your tank. Coldwater tanks are sweet though. One is definitely on my list once I move into a bigger place.
  10. Thanks! I'll let it go. I'm still fairly new to sps, so I'm hoping my placement of everything isn't going to screw me in the long run.
  11. Last time I talked to Chris he had taken a job with a master carpenter and was working 60 hour weeks.
  12. You're killing me. I can't believe you still have this at that price. Do you offer layaway programs?
  13. What is the monti under the forest fire in that last string of pics?
  14. I have a Monti Setosa and a Garf Bonsai on the same rock. They are going to be touching in the next few months. Who is going to win this fight? Should I just move one of them now before they can get to each other?
  15. Yeah, Jeff had an awesome piece in a few months ago. I've been kicking myself for not picking it up.
  16. I'm looking for a frag of pipe organ coral. I'm interested in the white variety, not the green. Like this. Let me know what you have.
  17. Call oiab. Jason usually has some bulkheads around.
  18. Love the turkey baster. And my dog...okay, I don't need my dog.
  19. I'll grow Jose's frag for him. I'll just take credit for whichever one does better.
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