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Everything posted by kilmca

  1. I've tried these two combos of pumps: (4) Tunze 6055 and (2) Tunze 6055 + (2) Vortech MP40w I know that doesn't tell you anything about placement but I prefer the (4) 6055 because of how i can direct the flow and mounting options. I will say that my only option for placement of the MP40s was on the back panel of my tank because the end panels are viewable and the routing of the wires would have been a hassle. Since the MP40s were placed on the back and up high all the sand at the front of the tank got blown away from the front panel. This is with a 32" wide tank and the pumps were not turned up more than half way. If the MP40s were placed on the ends of the tank I probably would have been happy with there performance but on the back they didn't work for me. I've got two spare 6055 that you could borrow if you want to test them out. only problem with that is i don't have a spare controller...
  2. IMO that would be a great fixture. Also comes with phoenix 14k bulbs which i also think are great. not sure about the actinic bulbs but they should do the job. that's a lot more money than just adding some actinics but the fixture would work over almost any 6' long tank. it looks like you have a 125g tank currently so if you ever upgraded to a 180g which is also 6' long you'd be fine.
  3. I need to borrow a holesaw to drill (2) holes in a standard 75g glass tank. Anyone have one I can borrow? I would like a 2 3/8" holesaw for a 1 1/2" bulkhead but would also consider a 1 5/8" holesaw for a 1" bulkhead. I've been using a CPR HOB overflow but it's always made me nervous. The return pump I'm using on the tank isn't very big and I've got to use a valve on the return line so I don't overflow the tank. Thanks!
  4. it's dependent on the footprint of the tank. a 125 is usually 6' long x 19" wide x 24" tall, a 180 is usually 6' long x 2' wide x 2' tall and a 240 is usually an 8' long x 2' wide x 2' tall tank. so if you have the space my recommondation would be the 240. if you don't have space for the 8' tank just make sure you go with something that is 2' wide at a minimum, IMO.
  5. WOW, there are alot of really nice corals in there!
  6. i'm running icecap and blueline ballasts and both are electronic. both produce the same result, white with blue tint.
  7. i've got a few used ones you could have.
  8. correct me if i'm wrong but my calculator shows 120x50x50 cm = 300 liters = 79.25 gallons
  9. Wow that tank is amazing. I would have never guessed it was that size. but if the dimensions listed are correct it appears that tank is closer to 80g than it is to 60g if you do the calculation of volume. i know, that's not a huge difference but i'm just being picky! (laugh)
  10. i've got MH and VHO ballasts that are IC so i hope i don't have any problems. most of my MH ballasts are going on 5 to 7 years old so they out of warranty anyways. i've never had a problem with their stuff. hopefully that contiunes for a few more years!
  11. My Clown Tang was the same way plus it was aggressive towards a Sailfin Tang and Blue Tang I have.
  12. i had a clown tang for 3.5 years. it became so aggressive that i had to get rid of it. i might be interested in trying another.
  13. don't even have to wait to see who wins. if you want some green palys similar to ones shown in the picture below just let me know cause i have a ton to get rid of. These are not attached to rocks because they were growing on the glass of my frag tank and i had to scrape them off with a razor blade. i can tell you that they attach to rocks and glass quickly.
  14. kilmca

    What next?

    what size tank? like Rick said if it's not a 75g tank or larger I wouldn't recommend a tang either. if the tank is approximately 75g i would recommend a bristletooth(kole, tomini, etc) or a small scopas or yellow tang.
  15. what size are these fish, the blue tang won't be able to stay in a 40b very long. depending on the size of your fish the ich might be from stress because you tank is too crowded.
  16. i have to agree with the others who got these last time you fragged up the duncans. they are big and beautiful. i got frags of the purple and green duncans and they are doing great.
  17. Great job on the stand and very nice tank. what are you going to do for lighting over this tank?
  18. I was going to tell you to try James but you already did. I've heard he is busy so give him a chance to get back to you. How long ago did you contact him?
  19. i got my order confirmation email at 11:40 am yesterday and i got the shipping confimation email at 1:04 pm yesterday. i thought that was pretty quick.
  20. depending on what kind of corals you are keeping you might want to increase the halides up an hour or two over the next few weeks and reduce the T5s to 10 hours a day. if you have SPS than i would definitely recommend this but if you have softies than you probably are ok with the schedule you have going. let us know what kind of corals you have or want to keep and we can give you better advice. just note if you increase your halides you might get an algae bloom.
  21. yeah you'll get free shipping if you spend $175 or more, i placed my order a few minutes ago and i got the free shipping. you can contact BRS and ask them to ship your stuff with mine and see what they say. The only other problem would be if you can't make it down to Oregon City to pick up your stuff from me. I don't make it up to Gresham much. maybe someone closer to you will want to combine orders.
  22. got lucky and caught it in a coke bottle trap.
  23. i have a sixline in my refugium that you could have for $10. just note, the reason it's in my refugium is because it doesn't play well with other wrasses.
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