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Everything posted by TheClark

  1. Never had an issue until now but a spare is reasonably priced. Might be a good investment for peace of mind. BlueZ thanks for tip, will check that out Jase, that is uncanny timing too. Good point compared to the old reliables. Ordered a dct 15000 replacement. Will put that in service and see how the new version holds up.
  2. Talk about Murphy's law! Apex alerted me sump was high Webcam confirmed there was an issue My dad and uncle dropped everything to troubleshoot. It was the pump itself in the end. No details yet on how it failed. Spare was put into service Disaster averted!!
  3. The cube is awesome, thanks again what a deal! 50 gallon is a looker too, love the stand. No doubt someone will snatch this up.
  4. Ah man that is gross!! [emoji1]
  5. Excellent! How clear is the tote, can you snap a pic? That sounds promising a bigger one would be nice.
  6. http://www.reefdup.com/2012/01/02/rescuing-dying-corals-how-to-guide/ My son noticed one of our chalices was suddenly sloughing off flesh last night. The flesh was lifting up and off of the chalice almost like it was being pulled off somehow. Water was flowing between the flesh and the skeleton. Followed this guide and super glued down the remaining flesh. So far so good this morning. The tissue loss stopped. If this manages to save the piece it would be great. If it helps you save some coral, even better. Will post pics and updates if it works. Here is the first attempt, the white spots are the super glue.
  7. TheClark

    Best Montipora

    People seem to dig this one, I picked it up off of a guy on R2R on a shipping trade. He called it Pink Panther Monti. Red with purple polyps and kind of that lumpy undata look.
  8. Awesome, thanks guys! I was hoping a critter keeper could do the job as the price is sooooo much better. Dragon, I was wondering how long to leave the fish there, never would have guessed two weeks, good to know. Earthbound, thanks for the mag float tip.
  9. Just what i was thinking Chris! The whole thread is awesome, tons of pics and info. A great sharing of information.
  10. That is the best feeling to come home and see things improved, congrats!
  11. We have been struggling adding new fish lately, they get pummeled by one fish or another that does not like them. It's not that the fish that incompatible on paper, it almost seems that a pecking order has been established and all new comers are easy game. There is no single bully, different fish get irritated depending on what is introduced. Have tried re-arranging rocks etc, introducing at night, mirrors, making more hiding places / territories in the rockwork, but ultimately one fish or another is rubbed wrong and gets moved (usually very beat up) to the frag tank. I have only lost one fish out of four attempts, but the frag tank is filling up and it would be nice to get some fish into the display. Its no fun to try to see them in a 12" deep tank! So I ran across some 'social acclimation box' threads. The concept is that fish can see each other in the same tank, but not kill each other. Sometimes newcomers are kept for 24 hours, sometimes for a week in the box. It is exactly the method I used as a kid in the 80s to breed betas. The box then was a jar, or perhaps a livebearer trap. The female had to show off for the male for a bit before I would dare let her in the tank. Worked great, but betas are not reef fish I don't want to turn this into a 'this fix cannot mix with that fish thread', as I trust people such as CnC and TPA when discussing compatibility. So please share your experiences, how you have had luck introducing new fish into a 'tough crowd' that should otherwise be compatible.
  12. Love this, been having a hard time introducing fish lately.
  13. Hey that's cool they answered. Thanks for posting back.
  14. AquaSD, TECO corals, Golden Basket, my favorites. Each one I have had very good experiences with. Going to check out UniqueCorals based on Andy's recommendation.
  15. Cannot wait to watch the build
  16. I have found his content to be quite useful, wonder what it costs to bring him out? I would be interested to know what topics he can present.
  17. Boy, I am no chemistry expert, but it seems that crystals are precipitation. Perhaps something precipitated out, leaving a lower concentration of something in the solution. At a minimum monitor your alk to be sure it is holding. Good luck let us know what you find out. Sometimes Brightwell responds to email questions like this, worth a shot.
  18. Cool! I love to see that even Melev has trouble catching fish out of a round bucket
  19. Thanks again Karen to you and your husband, so very, very appreciated. Now what to do with this 425 gallon water storage tank... hmmm...
  20. I ended up going down to see Roscoe and the gang. Picked up a killer plate, fun trip.
  21. That picture is so deceiving, it cannot convey the size of this beast! It is however, a great shot. That RBTA is huge along with those colonies. Is that a mass of duncans on the right? Is the moorish idol doing ok still? Ah, I see him to the right of the duncans. Is that an elegance by the angels? I see your forest fire digi, appears to be growing already Is it showing a good green? Hard to tell in pic, I know some guys lose the green, just curious how it was doing and what people recommend to keep the green.
  22. 2:14 AM reef scheming! None of us are ever thinking about our tanks that late
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