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Everything posted by softy

  1. oh man!! i would love to have a school of those little guys!!! my kid calls them 'Kitty Kitty'!!
  2. $&%! THAT!! i am not helping you set that up!!!!!
  3. The carbon won't remove the copper itself... it removes the copper that is attached to other bio material. as far as i am aware, copper is not attracted to carbon. I may be wrong.
  4. I am happy that I ended up able to attend the meeting! Thank you PNWMAS for having us host. Bret and I spend a lot of time there, and always want to share in our passion for zoas. Thank you everyone for coming!! I hope you enjoyed our collection, and got some information from Bret's demo. Even if it is just a technique that you haven't tried.... hopefully everyone got something out of it! It was great chatting with some of you... and as others have mentioned, 'putting a face to the name'. Hopefully we will get the opportunity to host another meeting in the future..... our doors are always open for anyone that wants to come by! Thanks again everyone!
  5. We can always hold it for you Kim... Mandingas montis do really well in our system.
  6. you know that Bret will make sure that she gets something from our system.
  7. i have them attached to a 600 and a 1200
  8. these do not create more flow.... they create better circulation... because they spin instead of a static config.
  9. i love those things!! i recommend them to any nano owner!!
  10. ya..... if your into that coral stuff i guess....
  11. Ironically... i will be out of town for this as well... so it's all on MrBret to be a good host.... I want to mention that we have all of the fragging tools that you would need if you are interested of getting some stuff done. This includes our saw to cut some stuff up. If anything.... come by and visit some people... eat some good food.... have a beer from the micro brew pub within earshot of our shop.
  12. Time Machines.... those were some of my favorite micro zoas.... we lost them to an algea bloom.
  13. I run a 15 hr cycle.... do this for all of our tanks.... I ramp up starting with blues.... then blue/cyan..... then UV .... white/red.... they all peak out for about 5 hrs then ramp back down the opposite. I run 100% blue !00% UV 100% Cyan 45% whites... (whites are a combo)
  14. that is correct. It is not a 'reef store' it is Merry Maids. MrBret owns that business.... Merry Maids..... we utilize the space he has there for our tanks. We are not a store... lol... we are hoarders!!
  15. just like the Inovative Marine tanks.... rounded glass corners. They are 90 degree bends in the glass.... fortunately i have the old school JBJ nanos that came with a hood. because of that... i used the little lip at the top to bend an aluminum rod in the shape of the bow front. then wrapped it in mesh.
  16. softy

    First time!

    it's posted in the GB forum you dork!
  17. hey at least now you know an easy way to do a 150g water change on your system!!!
  18. That's really awesome of you Rudy!! Thank you for your support!
  19. i have found that just having good current works really well. I am not so much concerned about how much strong flow i get.... more so how much overall flow i get through the tank. I swear by those spin stream heads. My 12g was run by a rio 600 with a spin stream... that was it.
  20. all six fixtures failed within a range of 8 - 14 mo. likely a lot of it to do with failing fans. A couple the fans still worked.
  21. If your parameters are all good.... check the lights for failed diodes. We had them slowly burn out on us on our ORs. But like everyone stated.... it could be a number of variables.
  22. just goto a Uhaul... they should have them. They are about $25. they my just loan you a set for a few bucks too...
  23. Are you going to respond? I sent you one last week. Haven't gotten a response
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