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Everything posted by softy

  1. NOTHING..... We aren't doing anything to our tanks!!
  2. no doubt!! Ninja.... Samurai... they don't play around! You don't need a gun there.... their craftsmanship with metal is ridiculous!
  3. LOL no one is arguing that! silly! at least i am not. I just was arguing the whole 'third world' reference to Mexico and Brazil. you really should stop trying to compare us to Japan however.... Talk about a cultural difference!!!!! We are far from their level of respect for.... everything!!!
  4. softy

    Macro shots

    Great shots.... you have to just love the short focus distance of some of those point-and-shoot cameras. I know canon makes a great camera for that with their G series. again..... well done! great shots.
  5. not sure.... i certainly would consider mexico and Brazil as 'second world' countries.... simply because of the level of poverty and the conditions that their people are forced to live in. That is likely why China and Russia would also fall under that category. Both of which i have seen first hand.
  6. actually I am the one whom laughed at the idea that Mexico and Brazil are 'third world' countries.... simply because i work in IT with both countries, and talk with residents of both of those countries on a daily basis. I can tell you, they are messed up countries, with tons of corruption... but certainly up on technology and definitely growing!
  7. LMAO!!! Mexico is not a 'thrid world' country!!!! They are up to date with technology and growth... just a FYI those terms are not really applicable anymore. Some countries definitely fall under that category... but Mexico does not.... I mean seriously... look at that map you posted!!! Brazil!! Third world!?!?! they may be one messed up country.... but they are far from what would be classified as 'third world'!!! not only did they just host the World Cup... but Brazil is hosting the summer Olympics....
  8. not sure what site you are going to.... but reefstarled.com has been his parking space for awhile. i am not sure any other sites are managed at all by him.
  9. $30 ea on most.. $45 for two... some others were $35+
  10. You hit a valuable point regarding lack of sensitivity with social media. It's super easy to type something hateful when you have the Internet to buffer any consequences
  11. actually Mitrillion, he is right. You have lazy IT that do not have the network locked down. However, your likely not on the same segment as the business side of the school... so they probably didn't lock it down so tight.
  12. softy

    Hi Rudy!!

    I showed you mine..... now show me yours!!!
  13. lol to be honest....i think that's what the CB Krakatoa is!! i think it's a variant of the askrack...the original Krakatoa was ridiculously bright orange, with a bright green.... There was a reason for the hype. That is just a doctored up pic of a Red Spackle. And yes.. Rudy could confirm i am sure... but i believe you are correct regarding the originals.
  14. not the same strain.... similar pattern. But even with the "cornbreaded pic" it still doesn't look like this! the OG! They are identical! we have them both... after we got the ones from you, we had to get the JF version. They are as identical as it gets!
  15. lol... those are the pink raptors you picked up.... i think they look more like a red gobstopper.... but ... guy called them pink raptors when we got them.
  16. first you frag them! Then you tac them down!
  17. GB Orange Spots.... AKA Eye of Rah.... you must have missed the several hundred in the frag tank!!
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