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Everything posted by softy

  1. I am not sure what the best pump is for high volume water movement..... but i do know that when building a water feature that requires quite a bit of rise... i always would go overkill and throttle with a valve versus just getting one that would 'do the job'. I never have had to go back and replace a pump when i do that.
  2. Toadfish - 0 Clownfish - 10 Sailfin Tang - 20 Angel Fish - 50 Evil Damsel - 100 Mantis - 150 Angler - 200 Trigger - 300 Shark - 500 Zoanthid - 1000 Acropora - 2500 Whale - 5000 Leviathan - 7500 Triton - 9000 Poseidon - 10000
  3. NICE!! now he can absorb like a sponge and start showing daddy some tricks!!
  4. nice!! Have fun.... take your time.... build an amazing scape!
  5. Congrats Matt!! Amazing coral! and a more amazing guy! you deserve the sale bro!
  6. good call out Rudy! I always forget how much better point and shoot cameras have gotten.
  7. Cannon or Nikon.... DSLR and a macro capable lens.... if you are wanting a lens dedicated to coarls... go for a fixed macro.. B&H photo has a lot of good deals for cameras. search for them online.
  8. The OR's... just like most LEDs will suffer from the same issue. It has to do with the secondary lens over the diode. If you want to stay low over the tank, then you can change the secondary lens on the lights to allow for a wider spread. That's what i ended up doing to retrofit a ReefStar Alpha Nano light into the hood of my 29g JBJ.
  9. Thanks man! One of my favs... obviously! love that bright orange color in tanks!
  10. It becomes a matter of... is $40ish a month worth the time it saves to check all of those parameters? What is the testing cadence that requires replacement that frequently? I guess the cost will be quantified based on how much time you will save using just one kit. If you don't test as frequently, that cost can be reduced.
  11. you may set it up right.... but things fail, and you may still have to remove the ties.... velcro is your cable management friend!! big fat strips work great on carpet for temp pathways as well.
  12. i am not sure this requires a letter Holly.... i would simply walk out to the mans garage and point at his lift... the man has a LIFT in his garage!!! probably a good thing i don't go.... might get over stimulated there!!
  13. Nice job on the stand!!
  14. don't sleep!! just family/work/hobbies!!! BTW... speaking of that... i need to finish up Bret's lower center of gravity chassis install on his Slash!!!
  15. I would love to have the time to build a custom box.... It would require to much effort for me.... the quotes i have gotten are too much for me to quantify it..... not trying to win comps..
  16. HI! Welcome back.... we lost everything previous to 2012.... long story.... very lame.... is what it is.
  17. My factory head unit is done. It's been a great factory system while it lasted ( Tacoma JBL system). Now is the fun of learning what is good, and what is just marketed well. It's been years since I have done a car audio system. Thanks for your input!!
  18. I have had great success with low/medium flow....mainly low flow. Just use the return pumps with spin heads.... creates enough flow for the zoas. That's for both my nanos... JBJ 12g and 29g. I believe MrBret had a single MP10 on his 60g solena... that was plenty of flow for that tank for everything. He could better chime in on that.
  19. So i am in the process of putting a new stereo in my truck. I do not have the time to fiberglass a new box for a sub... and was curious if anyone here has ever purchased one of the powered JL Audio boxes. I am looking at their MicroSub 10" powered box. Any input is appreciated! Thank you
  20. i love BBQ!! and it has been a busy season already!! I don't use a pellet but have managed to go through about 200lbs of lump charcoal!! Happy BBQing everyone!!
  21. you should send a PM to powderblue he is looking for one of those.
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