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Everything posted by Mandinga

  1. Some quick iphone fts updates The Tank Is
  2. I don't even trust myself to clean my own acrylic without scratching it:) Good luck with that!
  3. Crawling back to my spot in the basement. Thanks for keepin it warm down there for a while.
  4. while dosing calcium this morning at 6am i tripped and spilled 700ml of calcium mix all over my front carpet...right in front of my wife. Doh!
  5. Green tree;) I'll take the 12pound clown.
  6. Ahhaa, a resolution! Seems i left it out on the back edge of my tank during a recent tank plant:) at least i can stop blaming frank the snail.
  7. Is it just an empty hole? If so, there may have been some sort of tube worm you killed with the Bayer...leaving an empty home.
  8. I used to tear my rock apart looking for lost frags. Now I just chalk it up...
  9. Questions: how long does one look for a frag that suddenly vanishes? And to what lengths do you investigate? I have a few dark canyons that have gobble up many a frag:this one just ate a delicious millepora frag. Argh
  10. Hahaha, great music choice. Took me a minute, then hit me hard...you know when you are singing along, but not really thinking about the words, then bam. yeah well done.
  11. I know there are lurkers out there:) Welcome aboard, this club could use way more fishheads...You should share some experience, like..what are you raising? What is your setup like? The geeks around here love the details.
  12. Pistols are really just a PIA. Frag stealers...not to mention you never see them...
  13. Mandinga

    my tank

    Really awesome invert selection troy!
  14. YEAH me too! I was wondering the same thing. I also have a pretty significant mojano invasion...anyone have one to rent?
  15. I use 5-10ml per cup. If you are doing frags, you shouldnt need more than a few cups of water... When we dip large batches(hundreds of corals) we use about 5 gallons of water:)
  16. When the zombies come, i want arson on my team.
  17. I spotted two ritteri's fs at upscales....though arsons is still way nicer;)
  18. Awesome guy to deal with:) beautiful corals Dan, excited for some new additions:)
  19. That would be very hard to say no to.
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