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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. How long was this picture taken after the Dino outbreak? Within a day or two?
  2. You will know if there is aggression when 1 begins to hide, keep a close eye on the tail to ensure the crested shape stays sharp indicating its not getting attacked. Also with Dispar they require 75G + and multiple feedings daily due to their tiny stomach tract. Good Luck, hope things turn out ok oh btw, try not to move these fish back and forth between tanks, every time they are caught and moved it's just additional stress added.
  3. I assumed Kent Salt when I Saw 600 Calcium, then you confirmed that. 600 is extremely high for your calcium you need to begin dropping that, part of the cloudiness could be precipitation of the calcium or maybe bacteria from excess nutrients or a late cycle. As for the Magnesium, I wouldn't be too concerned several people purposely boost those levels upwards of 2000 without any notable issues. I would start off by buying a 2nd set of test kits, I never like to rely on just 1 set, and begin testing every new batch you mix as in my experience Kent is not consistent on the proportions, hence while i liked them and used them for years, a couple years back I had to switch from too many issues with Alkalinity levels. Kent is high on Calcium, I always had levels over 500 when using it. Secondly I have a hard time believing your phosphates are at 0 in a 40 Gallon breeder with a substrate bottom, and a hang on the back filter, I would probably have that checked next and ensure you are close to what those levels are. From there the only thing I could suggest is buying a nice Skimmer, and doing 15% - 20% water changes weekly ensuring you are vacuuming substrate, watching the amount of food your putting in there, and whatever filter media you are using, replace it. If thats bacteria 1 big water change isn't going to fix the issue.
  4. I Would strongly suggest buying new for the insurance and peace of mind, as you never know how long that float switch has been used. AutoTopOff.com Dual switch is only $50, you would just need a simple pump and tubing in which you might already have laying around.
  5. Just saw this, You got it! I have had that stuff in my tank before while is isn't too aesthetic, it's helpful though be careful its growth can explode in a short time.
  6. Excellent incite! , that could help a lot of people that have never done this before. Do it right the first time rather than learning your lesson and wishing you had
  7. Most likely the mention that he will eat SPS Glad to see someone is willing to give him a bigger home!
  8. I was in the same situation with my 12Gallon, I ended up using one of those Rubbermaid Cereal containers with the red lids, the only thing I hated about it was the fact that it had to be replaced every 3 days when I upgraded to my 30 Gallon, so I had a really nice custom acrylic one made to hold 5 Gallons and it lasts more than a week now.
  9. I think the key in this is the Vinegar, not so much the Saltwater. My back patio is is covered in thick moss and I dump my bucket of old salt out there all the time without anything really being disturbed, though last year when I did a tear down and a Vinegar rinse after dumping the tank on the back patio everywhere the water had gotten to the moss was completely eliminated within 2 days.
  10. Exodus

    Brs rodi

    when I got my BRS unit out of the box and started using it I remember there being a slight leak from one of the membrane canisters, I just tightened it and the problem went away, I have since changed the media twice and have yet to have another issue. If its not a simple fix I would consider calling them, they have great customer service.
  11. My comment was in no way meant to be backhanded by any means. It was pointing at all the newcomers who see great pics like that in a Nano and decide to put down all the money needed to get the equipment and livestock and within a few months quickly realize they don't have tank of the month with just few forum posts and youtube videos they saw. They get frustrated realizing it takes allot of experience and patience to maintain such a tank and simply pull the plug. ( So I would say my comment was more Sarcastic with a comedic undertone. If the little guy waving his finger could be winking, it would have been a better representation. That's quite a setup in equipment for sure! But I see your dosing Red Sea X Nitrate & Phosphate Reducer to help with stabilizing, whats in your reactor? Carbon? one last thing I'm also curious about is the 2 MP10's, do you have them linked and whats the max your setting those up too, seems like a lot of current for a 29G but then again you have a bunch of SPS in there. I have often considered adding a 2nd MP10 to my 30, but I also have 2 Mj1200 Cobalt's for return so have been content with all the flow so far.
  12. Yeah there is actually allot going on for a Biocube, so many upclose shots, what about a pic standing back about 10 ft from the tank?
  13. While I agree they are there cheap, I have went that route before and it went terrible. If you do as xmas_one mentioned get calibration solution and be sure to calibrate "Every" time you use it with the eBay ones. Otherwise I would just go all out and get a digital from Milwaukee, once you do I promise you will never regret it or ever look back
  14. That is extremely impressive for a biocube, While I admire your tank, you are one of those people that inspire newbies too get into the hobby with a Bicoube thinking they can have a tank of the month with the experience they learned from just a few forum posts and youtube vids Congratulations on your years of dedication! You have accomplished allot to have that much growth and color in that small of volume of a tank. I have some questions for you. What size is your Bicoube? What equipment are you using? I think I see 2 MP10s? Is this cube hooked up to a sump? Is there any Sort of Skimmer? Whats your scheduled maintanence include and how often? What levels are you keeping Calc/Alk/Mag/Salinity ? How much Fauna Marin Balling are you adding into your 2 part mix? Thanks for your consideration, and keep up the Excellent work!!
  15. A clam is extremely ambitious for a 14 Gallon no established bio cube, keep in mind if your going to be mixing SPS with LPS, its going to take some creative effort with either the aquascape, or the lighting Just curious is this your 1st reef Tank?
  16. Nice Light Hanger! Scott Make that for you That stand is really coming along, It looks like its going to be a nice one!
  17. Trolling at it's best over a Fish tank Sale! Enjoy! http://www.dontevenreply.com/index.php
  18. Alsea is between philomath and waldport out on highway 20, just a very tiny community. Tanget will now be the closest LFS.
  19. All tank heaters will fail at some point.. Period! Regardless of brand it is bound to fail, and such a critical piece of equipment has the potential of wiping out an entire tank. I would invest the money into some sort of controller whether it be an apex to monitor or something as simple as a JBJ Heater Controller. The few extra bucks now can potentially save you thousands in the long run.
  20. tell you what, I'll support you in abandoning the hobby, you just deliver that setup to my house, take the $250 no questions asked!
  21. you could always drop some confetti into the tank like they do when they demo powerheads, not only would you see the "Colorful" flow patterns of your tank, your Fish will think its Party Time!!!
  22. just as theClark is using you can get the clear netting from here: http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/clear-netting.html It doesn't diffuse the light much at all, using T5's with an Apex PMK it drops my PAR only 3 when I put my top on. I used the clear netting as well with a Framing it from home depot
  23. If you like Zoa's check out MrBrets! He puts both those choices to shame!
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