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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Hope you had a fantastic b-day! Glad to hear you were able to get some celebrating in despite the weather.
  2. Ha! I have to admit, that had me doing a bit of a double take.
  3. Wow - that is some serious dedication (and lots of digging!). Looking forward to seeing the rest of the setup.
  4. That is great! Good to see C&C getting some broad exposure. How did the crew manage to not get in there?
  5. Sorry to hear about the struggles Daniel. Especially painful when you were already taking precautions. Hope the KCl treatment manages to whip them. I can't recall if you have any "pest" hunters in the tank - like a melanarus wrasse - not that it would necessarily take care of these guys.
  6. Yeah - the season ended for the Raiders when he went down. At least you got to see an exciting and competitive game. The Raiders v Texans with a rookie starting his first ever game was painful for everyone. Oh well... on to next year!
  7. Well, looks like we will have to wait for next year for the Raiders & Boys Super Bowl matchup as they both failed to win a game in the playoffs. Guess it's time to start checking out the mock drafts!
  8. Let me know if you can't find the cement as I have some left from resealing my refugium.
  9. You might as well reseal it along that seam while the tanks is empty - easy to get to. It isn't a high pressure or wet seam like the verticals but might as well play it safe. Just make sure you have the tank setting in a way that will minimize the chances of dripping down the surface and maybe even mask that off just to be sure. Also make sure to get the thickened cement.
  10. I don't think that would be anything to worry about as you wouldn't have either the heat or the UV potential even with the T5s. Let me know if you want to try some of the thickened cement.
  11. Couple of additional thoughts. Another potential contributor to that bit of crazing (in addition to the heat) would be some stray UV. Although the MH fixtures used single ended bulbs - which have their own UV protective enclosure - it is still possible that there was a bit of leakage due to an imperfection that could have contributed. The bottom of the fixtures were basically only 6 inches off the top of the tank at that spot. Regardless, I wouldn't be concerned about this as a structural problem or an ongoing issue since you are using LEDs (if I recall correctly). If you want to be extra careful (not a bad thing at all) you could get some of the thickened acrylic cement (TAP has it) and run a bead along all the internal seams before filling it up. Since this basically "re-welds" the plastic you have to be careful not to let it run/drip onto the visual surfaces (hence the thickened version). It is quick and easy to do and gives you some peace of mind. I just had a small acrylic tank I was using for a fuge spring a seam leak and had to drain and reseal it. I have some left over if you want to try it but might be easier to find it near you at a Lowes, Home Depot or something. Hope this helps.
  12. This is on a non-stress area so my guess is that it is likely from heat exposure from the metal halides that were running on it as there was some significant heat build-up inside the canopy despite the fans. This area (top center) was closest to the lamps and didn't have the advantage of a localized heat sink (i.e. water). As Bevo5 notes, this is more common at seams or other pressure spots typically. You can also see it if you happen to expose the acrylic to certain alcohols so not always a stress/flex reaction - which is why I would be suspicious of localized heat in this case. Doubt it will be an issue with your light setup and I wouldn't expect it to worsen. Just my thoughts...
  13. Man... I wish this was just a tiny bit smaller footprint. GLWS!
  14. albertareef


    Argh! Not the bobbit worm! Those things creep me out. And yeah, if you happen to have a bunch of those I would say bad with a capital B. At least for your fish.
  15. Happy B-day Mattv! Hope you have a good one.
  16. I would be happy to get this started for $20.
  17. Glad you got it sorted! I always keep some superfine wet/dry around for these moments - just in case I don't have time to wait for a vinegar soak.
  18. Glad to see things are getting off the ground Vance. I'm sure the 125 will make it up when the time is right. Merry Christmas!
  19. I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be mine. Better check that signature.
  20. Yeah - you have definitely been taking some hits. Here is hoping that Christmas brings you some better luck! Unfortunately I couldn't find where to order that in time. Mother in law got me a gift certificate to C&C - guess I didn't need to buy them for myself after all. She is pretty darn cool.
  21. It was just practicing for its big night!
  22. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. Hope everyone has a wonderful time with friends and family.
  23. Does it work if you buy them for yourself ???? I was never very good at this whole Christmas thing...
  24. That will probably be a busy 2 hours - good luck Jorge!
  25. I love that Jeff is committed to this as I think it represents the long term sustainability of the hobby. Exciting that so many species are showing up now and it sounds like they are working on many more. Awesome to see.
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