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Everything posted by Barelycuda

  1. I had a couple gallons of skimmate on hand for the ceremonial dumping over the head No really it was nice to meet you John.
  2. Kim, Your glue will not work on the black pipe. It has to be listed for ABS pipe not PVC.
  3. Good to hear it is working better for you harold. I am going to purchase the phospate checker and have been waiting for the nitrate checker also. The last I heard the nitrate checker was due out in October but I haven't seen it yet. Dave
  4. Brandon, The punishments that were issued were for 2 totally different reasons. First Kim's punishment was issued for inappropriate comments and what could have been considered flaming towards Eric. Eric's ban was issued for a threat of physical harm against another member and other comments. Eric on more than one occasion made comments that should have banned him to only delete them and then publicaly brag that he had done it. As far as your comment about the rules. Your quote: "If you go by the rules that are posted and supposed to be followed, then he should have had the same punishment as you. A little reform usually goes a long way. If it doesn't then he would be gone the next time, and it would be by the rules that are laid out. Not by making choices on the fly that clearly go against those very rules." Under Article IV: Section 4 of the Consittution: PNWMAS reserves the right to revoke the membership of any member due to conduct considered detrimental to this Club. This action shall be carried out by the majority vote of the Officers and Board of Directors. This issue was dealt with entirely under the rules of the club. Not everything that comes up fits within the rules and with this issue that had come up this is how the board dealt with it. Under normal circumstances there is a sequence of events including a warning, 72hr ban, and even a permanent ban if necessary. Both of the punishments fall within those guidelines. While I do agree that the board has taken a more passive stance in regards to moderation and punishment in the past that is no more. Dave
  5. If I was a guessing man(which sometimes I am) I would say you have a female bangaii. You can keep a pair but not usually more than that. Once a pair is established they will chase off any others. My bangaii's are spawning now but I haven't been able to get the male to hold the eggs past 5 days so far. The reason you see groups of them at the stores is that they haven't paired off yet.
  6. Ya we have a tradition here and so now it must go on I am thinking September again. It worked out better in September this year as I don't have a lot of room in the clownhouse and the weather was nice for people to visit outside.
  7. Not a lot has changed since you saw it last Mick. Just trying to get some more broodstock for more variety. I did move the red scooters into the living room and they are doing better in there. I am going to be moving the nigripes out to the clownhouse probably right after the first of the year. I think they are big enough now and I'd really like to see them spawn. Now the wife is going to make me find another pair as she really likes them....
  8. Thanks for the kind words everyone. Hopefully by next fall the 4th annual clownhouse meeting will have more than just clowns. Clay, I have a few hundred Black & Whites right now Currently there are ocellaris, cinnamon, tomato, black & white, picasso, and platinums. My bangaii's spawned again on monday so hopefully I can get the male to hold longer than 5 days this time. If not it is time to make an egg tumbler and try to incubate them. I also have pairs of neon gobies, sharknose gobies, red scooter dragonets, and nigripes clowns that haven't spawned yet but we're hoping..... Dave
  9. PM sent to you for the ozonizer. Harold. I have a couple of dryers with the beads if you're interested. Dave
  10. I do have a pretty large one. I believe it is 22"long x 12" high. It was the largest piece of the plastic matting I could buy at the craft store. It does a great job but it is shut down right now for some upgrades/changes. I have mine lit from both sides with 4-23watt cfl lamps w/reflectors. I will see if I can drum up a pic for you.
  11. Hey Alex I probably have some aptasia if you want it. Hey do you think they would go after the small hydroids that look like aptasia? Just curious cause I have a ton of those in the sump in the clownhouse.
  12. Based on the markings and size I would say that they are still very young. 4 months ish... You are looking at probably a 2 year maturation time for the onyx coloration to fill in. Unfortunately the true percs and maroons are probably the 2 slowest growers and developers but glad to see you are happy with them
  13. Nice score. If the sale falls through put me in line for 2nd on the reactor.
  14. Kim and Beth. Thanks for hosting this meeting. Can't wait to see the tanks again.
  15. I have had both and do prefer 5 guys but if I had my choice it would be Steak & Shake. We had it back in florida a couple months ago and it blew both of the others away...
  16. If you are serious about running a turf scrubber you need to check out http://www.algaescrubber.net/forums/ There is a ton of information on turf scrubbers on that site. It goes into design, flow, lighting ect. There actually is quite a bit to the design but can be highly effective if built right. I have a large scrubber on the growout system in the clownhouse. I believe it is 12"x22". You have to be diligent on the maintenance and cleaning tho or they are worthless.
  17. Mike, Is there a model number?? Like HP Pavilillion 7502?? I just made the number up but if there is one it would help identify what's inside your computer now.
  18. It is also sold on the Drs. Foster & Smith site also. If you put a group of people together to buy the frozen food the shipping is pretty cheap.
  19. I have explained this to another member in another forum and will share it here. Sponsors only have to donate X number of dollars for their yearly sponsorships to the club. Most of the time they end up donating well in excess of what is asked of them. In some of their minds they are anticipating that the item will be won by somebody that needs, wants and truly appreciates the item and may not have the means to aquire the item (Either monetary or whatever else.) It is disheartening to them to see the item won at a raffle to only be sold the next day by a member for monetary gain when the item is either not needed or wanted. The BOD/Officers tried to remedy this situation this year by putting a brown bag in front of each item to be raffled. If an item was not wanted/needed then the person would not put tickets in for that particular item. One fault of ours is that the particular thought was not shared with the group at the xmas party. Now I have followed the other threads about this subject and am not trying to start this debate all over again. I am just trying to elaborate on the subject in a way that I have not seen it described yet. Now I understand that Doug was the victim of this situation and for that I am sorry but that was the feeling that was felt when this all started. This item is also being discussed in the members area. Dave
  20. Hey Ryan, PM sent on the hat, shirt, and journal from earlier in the thread. See you at the party.
  21. Kate, Here's the link. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23378 Just a couple threads below this one on the meeting page. Dave
  22. I have myself and both of the kids are coming with me. so 3 total.
  23. Hey frank. Do you think this would work on a euroreef 6-2?? If so I'll take it. My sedra 3500 puked on me and i need another pump. Dave
  24. Personally I would run 2 return pumps. Rick makes a very valid point. For a given system 2 smaller pumps could very well consume less electricity than one big one and it also gives the option to shut one down for maintenance without affecting the second tank. Another way to look at is most likely you will have to install a larger pump than would normally be necessary because of the increased head pressure and amount of plumbing the one pump will push the water thru.
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