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Everything posted by Barelycuda

  1. Having come from my first MACNA last weekend all I can say is that I am not going to miss it next year. I had heard that there were almost 1500 attendees but Steve may have an insight that I didn't. It was incredible. I think we attended a lecture for all but 3 of the schedules hours ( I belive that there were basically 17 blocks for speeches in 2 or 3 rooms so there was a lot of information ) Plus not to mention that there were 140 vendors I believe. Seemed to me one of the main focuses this year was LED lighting. With all of the new vendors coming out I would hope that the prices will start dropping.
  2. Rapid changes especially in Mg can kill corals very fast
  3. Phosphates are way to high. This may be a cause of your SPS dieoff also.
  4. The meeting at the clownhouse is on the 19th at 1:00pm. There is a thread on it and evites went out today. Sorry for the delay but I was in Orlando for 9 days with the end being at MACNA. All I can say is if you ever have the chance, GO it was and incredible experience. It was better than I had hoped and am already making plans for next year.
  5. The club has been willing to supply salt to the TFT program all the teachers have to do is ask. Roger knows this as we have given him a few buckets so far. I can get salt and test kits at wholesale and have let the club use my contacts for those. I can get clean up crews at wholesale also and we can get those to the teachers too.
  6. The clownhouse has always been scheduled for September 19th and has been mentioned in multiple threads. I can not have it on the 18th but would be willing to move it back a week if it works better for people. It has also been mentioned that meetings will always try to be scheduled on the 3rd weekend of the month whether it be on saturday or sunday. It would be a waste to have 2 club functions on the same day. Let me know what the club wants to do.
  7. I have tons of them in the clownhouse. I did want them removed from the rock in the tank with my red scooter dragonets. Other than that i let them be.
  8. If you can take the rock out of the tank you can make up a mega brine solution and they will literally fall out of the rock. I did that last weekend and about 100 fell out of 3 rocks in about 15 minutes.
  9. Kate, I have rotifers that I can bring you a start of. I only use dead phyto for the rotifer food so if you're looking for live phyto I can't help you there. I am planning on coming to the meeting so I can bring you some rots then if you want. Dave
  10. hey keith. long time no hear. Dave
  11. Hey all, I know that it is short notice but Brian (evansbr) is turning 40 today. He is having a birthday party at the oddfellows hall starting at 8:00 tonight if anyone wants to come down and say hello. It is at the oddfellows hall. 4834 N Lombard in portland. They have also hired the band Motorbreath which is a kick *** Metallica cover band. There will be food but it is a byob (bring your own bottle) of whatever you're drinking. There will be a bartender there to serve you All are welcome and it should be a good time. Dave
  12. Mike, To answer the question you asked above, No meetings have not been permanently moved to saturdays. Meetings had always been scheduled on sunday but lately some have been moved to saturday. It appears that the club may be leaning towards desiring a rotating schedule of saturdays and sundays to allow more members to attend that previously had not been able to. My suggestion was to at least keep the meeting in the 3rd weekend for consistency. Dave
  13. The meeting in September is scheduled at the clownhouse. I was planning on Sunday September 19th. I would be ok with scheduling it on saturday if more people wanted to come on that day. Up until just recently the meetings have always been on the 3rd sunday of the month. At least it gave me a chance to pencil it on the calendar. If the club wants to alternate saturdays and sundays i would propose to at least keep it to the 3rd weekend. With the evites coming out on the beginning of each month it does not give people much time to plan. I am not a huge fan of alternating days as then i'm always going to wonder if the meeting is on saturday or sunday that month. But on the other hand maybe alternating gives other people a chance to go that would not be able to attend on sundays. Maybe we give the option of saturday or sunday to the whomever is hosting the meeting? I would just propose to keep it in the 3rd weekend.
  14. Yes you can introduce them to the anenome. I know of a breeder that introduces them earlier than 3 months. I am not sure what type of anenome he uses but he has had success.
  15. Never actually heard of a bristly worm sticking a clownfish.... Not quite sure on the outcome but I can ask around. There is a large group of breeders in the Midwest I chat with that I'll ask.
  16. Clowns can also learn to get along with other clowns. I have a pair of ocellaris, 1 pair of nigripes, and a single pink skunk clown in my 75g tank in the living room. I know for sure that the ocellaris pair has a female as I had her by herself for almost 2 years and the nigripes are a pair. The nigripes is the alpha pair of the tank. Probably shortly the nigripes are moving out the the clownhouse with the other broodstock which will mean that I will probably have to find another pair as they are momma's favorites.
  17. Depending on how long you have had the single clarkii I would say that most likely it is a female. If you were to get a small juvenille most likely it should not have started to develop sexually and will turn into the male. I currently don't have any clarkii babies or I'd get you a juvenille that would most definately become the male. Most likely once a juvenille male is introduced the female should accept it and they theoretically would host the carpet together. If the female accepts the male I would say that there's a pretty good chance that she will defend him if the 6 line becomes aggressive and probably put the 6 line in it's place. Pretty much all clowns are protective of their anenome and will chase off pretty much any fish that they deem is to close to their home.
  18. clay flower pots work better than ceramic. If they are the smooth ceramic pots the eggs won't stick to the pot very well. Make sure to soak them before putting them into a tank.
  19. they are on liveaquaria all the time. I have been seeing them at least 1-2 times a week lately.
  20. That's kind of what my wife is saying right now.... 43 tanks really ?? I have hosted the last couple years in october and we have been lucky with the weather since you can only put so many people in a 2x20 room with 27 tanks. I was hoping we could Matt Pedersen out to speak since it would fit in perfectly with the clownhouse but we couldn't get his schedule to work. His wife just had their first baby in June and his schedule is really busy right now. He did say that he is interested in coming out and speaking but it probably won't be til next spring.
  21. Thanks for the kind words. The clownhouse is in a state of construction right now. I expanded the room and am in the process of adding 16 more tanks (which will make a total of 43 tanks on 3 different systems). It should be done before the meeting next month (I hope )...
  22. So Beth and Kim. Do you sit at the table together and check the forums
  23. That was posted but there will be a new competition each month.
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