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Everything posted by JManrow

  1. After I rest up awhile, I will talk to friends about some acoustic guitar at the picnic. Still in some pain from an injured foot. I'm not one for giving up. I was hurting so much Sunday, that I didn't go the the Edgefield to celebrate Jerry Garcia's Birthday Bash... something every year that I never miss. I will see what I can do. Music or not, we are going to have a real good time!
  2. So sorry to hear of his passing. I first learned of Takashi Amano 20 years ago, when his book "Nature Aquarium World: How You Can Make A Most Beautiful Aquarium" was published in 1994. I often discussed his work with both beginner hobbyists, and advanced aquarists in my years of retail sales with tropical fish and aquariums. His contributions to the hobby, and inspirational aquascaping will long be remembered. http://amanotakashi.net/bio/index.html
  3. We still could have used the Pavilion, if it was available. Acoustic music is fine at our picnic area!
  4. I have also looked though supplies and gift certificates I was given since May 2015. There is nothing from American Aquarium Products.
  5. Getting a band is not a problem. Amplified music must be played in the Park Pavilion, but there are no open reservations available. There is no fee for the use of the Pavilion. On the bright side, some other groups must be having bands while we are there!
  6. I have used it without a problem, and I know of others that have too. Look for "potable water safe" on the label.
  7. PNWMAS Annual Summer Potluck BBQ! Sunday August 23rd 12 noon to 4 PM Champoeg State Park Area: OAK#6 8239 Champoeg Road Northeast St. Paul, Oregon 97137 We will provide hot dogs, burgers and the fixings as well as soft drinks and water! Bring other main dishes to share, a side dish or dessert! Bring your family! Bring your pets! This area is huge so there is plenty of running around room! Champoeg park is an awesome place with a great location about halfway between Portland and Salem (about 40 minutes from each)! There will be a raffle of some great prizes! We have gift certificates! We have LED lights! The music is set for 1:00 until 3:00 PM... Direct from Portland Oregon - The Rose City Reefer Band! There's a day use fee of 5 dollars, but you will get reimbursed with raffle tickets! We have reserved Area: OAK#6 from 8am to 8pm, so... you can come early and stay later if you like! It is located right next to the disc golf area so bring your discs to play! Directions when you get to the park: Go straight until you see the booth where you pay You will see disc golf on the left and the road curves around Left at the stop sign Right at group 6 and 7 over flow parking We are site 6 on the left! There will be signs pointing you to the way! http://www.stateparks.com/champoeg_state_park_in_oregon.html
  8. I am wondering if a metal or plastic "skirt" attached to the light fixtures would help prevent some of the light spillage into the room? If done neatly, it would not detract from the looks of the fixture.
  9. Thank you Kim, for these great pictures! I just want to warn everyone though... Kim is very good at taking candid shots of people. Make sure she is nowhere around if you blink, sneeze, look at the ceiling, yawn, etc... Thanks again for these very flattering pictures of me. (They were all excellent, but I just thought that it would be good to give people fair warning).
  10. Sorry that you guys missed this great meeting. Holly was a wonderful host! It was very inspiring to see such amazing tanks maintained by someone so relatively new to reef keeping... I believe she said about 2 years! We all had a fun time, and had to do a little thinking with that Reefmaster Quiz! Excellent work, Holly. Perhaps you could post it in the forum for others to test their reefkeeping knowledge!
  11. I hope you are feeling better today, spectra. The next meeting will be our annual PNWMAS Picnic at Champoeg Park on August 23rd ! You will not want to miss this event!
  12. All very nice work. Reef Cleaners does have some amazing looking rock right now! They have renewed their PNWMAS Sponsorship... the Banners are just not up yet in the forum! I don't think that John Maloney, owner of Reef Cleaners, would mind at all if I posted this about his rock! https://www.reefcleaners.org/aquarium-store/florida-reef-rock-30lbs-free-shipping
  13. As far as a safety factor for your tank, both have drawbacks. Dosers can malfunction, and a Reactor can overdose CO2. I would still feel safer with a reactor, although it has it's limitations. if I were to use an automatic doser, I would not prepare a large amount of solution in the reservoirs, in case of a malfunction.
  14. Make sure you and your family are at the PNWMAS Picnic at Champoeg Park on Sunday August 23!!
  15. Has everyone received Evite notifications about the meeting, along with the address? If not, please let us know!
  16. PNWMAS has now renewed our membership with MASNA (Marine Aquarium Societies of North America).
  17. JManrow


    http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Aquarium+Store&find_loc=Paris#find_desc=marine+aquarium+stores http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Aquarium+Store&find_loc=Paris#find_desc=reef+aquarium+store The Fish Information Network (FINS) has has a directory for years of Worldwide clubs and stores. It does not seem to be online today. I hope it has not closed it's site! http://fins.actwin.com/
  18. We used to talk 20 years ago about the possibilities of these various traits eventually being developed, when we began seeing "misbarred" clowns. With selective breeding, I'm sure longer, Betta-type fins will appear in spawns. It would be awesome to be the first one to develop the strain! Not all of these mutations appear in the tanks of commercial breeders! It's a great feeling to see your name and work appear in a widely recognized published magazine or article. Be the first to develop Veil-Tailed Clowns by working with these!
  19. As PNWMAS President, I have been elected as someone that can help lead our club in a productive, educational, and most of all enjoyable way. I do not feel it is my place, or the place of any of the PNWMAS Board, to tell anyone what to do. However, there are some guidelines that we need to go by to get along here, so we can have more time having some fun with meetings and activities, rather than with forum disputes and boring politics! The PNWMAS Board have discussed some of these things to great length, and feel this is not being over-restrictive, but necessary. There have been a few changes of the operation of the PNWMAS Forum recently. Many of us are getting to know one another here, through posting meetings, and club events. This is the difference between a club, and having a forum only. We are all passionate about this hobby. This is a challenging hobby, with differences of opinions and various way of achieve the same end results. This means that the other guy is not always wrong, just for doing something differently. Please try to keep this in mind. There are some things that all of us can do to help: 1. Please refrain from the use of profanity. This is a family-friendly forum and there are children that do access this site. This being an educational forum, working with the Tanks For Teachers program, there are also teachers and students that frequent this site. 2. Please refrain from discussing illegal activities. This includes references to illegal drugs. Lets keep our focus on the marine aquarium hobby! 3. Please think before you post. The true meaning of a message does not always come across in a post, and it's more difficult to give someone the benefit of the doubt when you haven't met them. For our Club Members, we have returned the editing option, and also the ability to report posts. We can not monitor every single thread, so if you have true concerns, you can always report the post. Please be responsible. 4. Our Moderators are here to help the forum stay a family friendly place, not to spend all their time censoring everything said. Monitoring is also required to prevent SPAM and undesirable posts out of the forum threads. This is why we are screening the first posts of new forum members. 5. We were all beginners at one time, and have all made mistakes. That's part of why this forum is here. Let's continue to encourage and help each other. This forum is for the benefit of the enjoyment and education with marine aquarium keeping. There is no need for insults or negativity toward other forum members and PNWMAS Sponsors. The forum will not be allowed to become a battlefield for disputes, and our capable Monitors will intervene when necessary. In certain cases, there are probationary measures that may be taken, such as previewing posts for content before posting. We are moving forward with our club in a positive way, becoming more involved in outside organizations and with other marine aquarium clubs. We are all working together in common goals of education and enjoyment of marine aquarium keeping. It is great that people are continuing to help each other out. Keep up the good work! This should be a place for long-time hobbyists, and beginners... and both are welcome here! I feel we have a great group of people here... Forum Members, Visitors, and paid membership PNWMAS Club Members, including the PNWMAS Board of Officers, Board of Director Members, Administrators, and Moderators.
  20. I realize there has been some confusion about theses "Evites". Evites are just a way to notify people of upcoming meetings and events! This does not mean that you cannot attend without receiving an "Evite", or being invited. They just help us get the word out, and give us a general idea how many people and their guests will be attending!
  21. It would good to see you again Roy.
  22. Our July 2015 Meeting with take place at the home of Gil& Fin (Holly) in Portland on Sunday, July 26th at 2:00PM! Please send Gil&Fin a private message for the address. These in-home meetings are always fun. Come see the famous beautiful showpiece Blue Carpet Anemone that won the most recent Reef2Reef POTM! There will be a Reefmaster Quiz Challenge with prizes going to the most knowledgeable reefkeeper! So get to studying to to score some free stuff! Come meet your new PNWMAS Board and hear about future plans, events, and meetings! This is a good time to provide input of what you would like to see! As always, there will be a frag swap... so bring your frags! You may want to set up trades online beforehand! Pizza & soft drinks will be provided by PNWMAS. Again, please contact Gil&Fin for the address. The address will also be on the "Evite" that you receive in your e-mail. If you are not receiving Evites, and would like to be added to the contact list, please send your e-mail address by a "PM" to kknight, Emerald525, or Jmanrow , and you will be added. Thanks
  23. This may be a helpful thread for you, as far as Peppermint Shrimp ID goes. http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/34108-wtb-proven-aiptasia-eaters/?hl=lysmata#entry341870 Lysmata wurdemanni is the species that you want! http://reefcorner.com/reef-database-index/mobile-invertebrate-index/peppermint-shrimp-lysmata-wurdemanni/
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