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My 1st attempt at raising clownfish fry....


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So, this pair of A. Ocellaris has been in my care for 7+ years. They spent 5 of those 7 years in my sisters 65 gallon until they killed all her fish.


They just started to spawn again in the last 6 weeks. They are spawning roughly every 2 weeks. Their home is a 24"x24"x18" cube with a 5'x18"x22" sump (roughly 55gal.). Here's a pic to get the ball rolling....




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So, a little bit about reed mariculture....


They have a very simple feed program for hobbyists. I'm using their "L" strain Rotifers, rotigrow complete, their compact culture system, and the "hobbyists" pack of otohime.


So far so good. I'm pretty impressed at how easy(but time consuming) their program is. Well worth the investment. Plus, the look on my daughters face while watching the fry eat and develop is PRICELESS!

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So, a little bit about reed mariculture....


They have a very simple feed program for hobbyists. I'm using their "L" strain Rotifers, rotigrow complete, their compact culture system, and the "hobbyists" pack of otohime.


So far so good. I'm pretty impressed at how easy(but time consuming) their program is. Well worth the investment. Plus, the look on my daughters face while watching the fry eat and develop is PRICELESS!


Good to know, good project next summer maybe for the kids and I to keep them interested in reef tanks.  Thanks so much for sharing

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I still have close to 100 survivors. Lost a few during water changes. It seems like they're attracted(curious) about anything attached to my hand...(siphon, sieve, flashlight, and beers ????). A few have succumbed to injuries via siphon tube during cleaning/water changes. PITA!


They're doing well other than that. Eating Rotifers, Otohime A and live baby brine.


Can't wait until metamorphosis!

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