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Holly's Saltwater Haven - Part 2: The Tanks and Equipment


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This is Part 2 of a 3-part series about my reef room build. Actually, there might be a final "Conclusion" where I can put all the finished pics, but let's cross that bridge when we get there. For those that are interested, here is the link to "Part 1 - The Room": http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/38246-hollys-saltwater-haven-part-1-the-room/


Here's a summary of what I got going on:


300-gallon display tank

Two 60-gallon frag tanks

100-gallon sump servicing all three tanks

Two 75-gallon RODI containers and a 20-gallon ATO (gravity fed)

30-gallon fish quarantine tank

20-gallon coral quarantine tank


Right now you're probably thinking, "Boy, I hope the walls are padded. She's going to be locked up in the looney bin." But really, it's not as bad as it sounds. Umm...I don't think.


Display--I decided on an off-the-shelf 300-gallon deep dimension from Marineland. This was after a ton of research about custom acrylic, custom glass, and off-the-shelf. It wasn't strictly a matter of cost. Warranties, timing, availability, and not waking up in the middle of the night pissed off because I scratched the acrylic, all fed into the decision. I also decided to go with the Marineland stand. Although it is low and has its drawbacks, it does activate the warranty and that was important to me.


After all my research, here's what I've got to say about choosing a tank: There are "pluses" and "minuses" about every option, but few "rights" and "wrongs." Do your research and then make the right choice according to YOUR values.


Frag tanks--Previously I had two "hydroponic" trays I used as frag tanks ("I swear officer, I'm growing ​anemones"). They worked okay. This time, I went with the 60-gallon glass tanks that Garrett (TPA Salem) and Erin (TPA Wilsonville) use. I like them a lot.


Sump--Charles built it to specs. I wanted to try a refugium this time around, so there's a large middle chamber in it.


RODI containers--I ordered three Norwesco tanks--one fresh RODI, one saltwater, and a 20-gallon ATO holding tank. Pics below. I LOVE my RODI set up.


Pics and commentary below of everything except the quarantine tanks because they are still in my office. I'll move them downstairs towards the end of the process.



Here is the unloading of the 300-gallon tank. Note that I am standing next to the wench, which is wrapped around the pallet to pull the tank to the end of the truck so it can be off-loaded. Don't try this at home, kids.




Here is my husband welding the frag tank and RODI tank stands. Isn't he cute?




Stands and tank:




RODI pics. I use a BRS 6-stage water-saver system. Tanks are Norwesco. The weird plumbing set up is actually one I put together from Google images and Tenderfoot's set up. It works great.





Plumbing. I've always hated plumbing. But this project was actually kind of fun. I used BRS piping and connectors, supplemented by Lowe's. My husband and I put most of it together, but I called in the Big Guns for the trickier and most crucial parts. See if you can guess who the two Big Guns are that are making cameo appearances.



Lighting. Six Ocean Revive 247s over the tank, with a DIY mounting system. This involved using the railings on the side of the tank to hold up most of the weight of the lights, with a track system on the ceiling (thank you IKEA) to hold the center. For my frag tanks, I have one set up with an 48" ATI T5, and the other with OR247s again. Since everything is hooked up to the same water system, I thought it would be cool to frag corals under each light to see which do better under T5 vs. LED when everything else (parameters and such) are exactly the same.




Misc--Big a** Reef Octopus Regal skimmer, big a** UV, big a** Reef Octopus calcium reactor. All this big a** equipment makes my butt look smaller, so I'm happy.




And lastly, here is the tank with sand going in. You'll have to wait for Part 3 to see the aquascaping and livestock. Stay tuned!



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You are a great writer and planner! I know one of your master plumbers not sure on the other????


Very wise to use the marine land stand and use gravity for your ATO.


I've been telling people for years that gravity never fails. Some listen and some learn.....


Once again, very nice system! I'm jealous! Can't wait to see the finished product....

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Dang I better save up to put my coral orders in lol. But really this build is awesome! What is going behind the display? Or is it for 360 viewing?



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There really isn't 360 viewing because there is a lot of plumbing back there.  I do kind of like the open back, though.  Let me know what you think after I post up "Part 3 - Aquascape and Livestock."

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No one here is going to think you need to be locked up Holly. They are only going to tell you one thing :



Go Bigger!!!


Quite the build thread! I'm tired just looking at the effort it took to move that massive beast of a tank!!


My reefer 250 is bowing to you submissively !????

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"Boy, I hope the walls are padded. She's going to be locked up in the looney bin."


Going to be or defiantly should be?


Love the build and am jealous since I can't buy a larger tank for awhile I at least feel the need to purchase a huge lifted truck.

Very happy for you, hope to see it at a meeting some day.

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Really impressive, a true addict!  You are always in good company here.


Love the light mounting and all the big a** equipment.


Keep up the posts, enjoying living vicariously through this trilogy of reef madness... :)

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Looks great! Pretty similar setup to mine. The 300DD has been great so far. Very pleased with the tank. I'm sure you'll enjoy yours. It's definitely a fun tank dimension to aquascape. Looking forward to seeing more photos. 

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Looks great! Pretty similar setup to mine. The 300DD has been great so far. Very pleased with the tank. I'm sure you'll enjoy yours. It's definitely a fun tank dimension to aquascape. Looking forward to seeing more photos. 


Glad to get a good review of the tank.  It's also the same one Garrett has at TPA Salem, I think.  Now I just need a clam the size of his...

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Glad to get a good review of the tank.  It's also the same one Garrett has at TPA Salem, I think.  Now I just need a clam the size of his...


I think Garrett's tank is taller, but I could be wrong.


It's all looking very nice. And with that kind of capacity you are going to be able to grow out a lot of frags. I am insanely jealous. :agree:

Edited by Lexinverts
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I think Andy is correct, if I remember correctly Garret's tank is 350 gallons. And he does have a huge clam in stock...or at least he did:) it was absolutely beautiful and needs a nice big tank like yours ;)



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