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When I did get to making the cuts I knew I had to go straight butcher on this thing. I felt so bad about it I had to work myself up to make the break up, but when I did, it was clobbering time!




Now don't get mad, I had to make some half inch cuts to get the number of contestants out of these I needed. I am confident in my cutting skills and protocol so I should have a  perfect survival rate. There looks to be about 20 slots now. I am thinking I will let these heal out a couple weeks and then maybe they can find their way to their new homes.

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We really appreciate when our forum members join as paid PNWMAS Members! There are many expenses as not only paying for this website, but for supplies and fees we have to pay the State for status as a not-for-profit organization... so we can have all these great donations and raffles at meetings, special events, and guest speakers and their expenses, all of which would cost thousands of dollars. So far we have not had to ask anyone to pay admission for these speakers, including the non-members that have attended! Thanks again!

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I know a lot of reefers are cheap :laugh: I have been burned before on a zoa pick up years ago :rolleyes:  But when it comes to a membership it is only what 20 to 30 bucks? I think we all spend more on that than a frag or a fish........Has been posted before add up what you have into your tank........is another 20 bucks going to kill you...... The club does a lot more than people think.....


Thanks for what you guys do! :agree:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So things are healing up rather well. I was thinking I could make some drop offs when I am rolling out on the party bus, make things easy by just having a few pit stops to drop off some frags. I know we are stopping by Jeff's Cuttlefish and Coral in Portland. Sounding good to any one?

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As far as payments I will wait until we have them going out, alot can happen in 2 weeks. I hate to sound like a pessimist so think of me as a realist. I will do my best to coordinate these frags getting to their way points and we will go from there.


These have some really pronounced coralites, I'll tell you what, I already love this coral.

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So I have most everyone wanting the frag dropped off at some location along the way, there are two people who I have no designated drop points yet.


Reefnjunky, would you like yours dropped off with Jeff at C&C? I know you are there from time to time.


And Frank, is there someone who could grab your frag, possibly someone who is on the Party Bus or that is headed to one of the stores?


Oh! And Jeramy, if you want in there is a slot available, just let me know what place you can meet up at this coming Saturday, or if there is someone who can get and hold it for you.

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