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Higher Thinking

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Everything posted by Higher Thinking

  1. Yeah, that is his old tank. I guess it went to from Jeramy to Micah and then to me. I'm diggin it for sure. I think I'll install some curtains in the front though so I can run my macro light in the PM. I'm doing that currently, but I have to hang a towel in front of the plexiglass at night to keep my living room from having a super bright night light.
  2. Dang, that does not look good. Hopefully you got something lying around to swap.
  3. Yeah, I hate those little bastards. I always pluck them off my zoas. Although I have not seen them around nearly as much as before. I don't really know what changed.
  4. Thanks man, everything seems to have made the transition. I started dosing vodka three days ago so I'm looking forward to seeing what that has to offer. I needed to drill an air intake hole so that the bottle doesn't suck in as the doser pulls from it. Since alcohol readily evaporates, I figured I'd rig the air hole with a check valve. Works flawlessly. No hole for evaporation, yet it can readily take in air as needed. Fleischmann's! Only the best for my corals! Believe it or not, but it was 1 dollar cheaper than HRD.
  5. Whoop whoop! Come out to support the companies that help make this forum possible!
  6. Dang...sorry to hear. That's why I have been hesitant to get a pistol shrimp, my rock work isn't secured. I'd love to pair my goby, but looks like it's not gonna happen. Good luck finding something.
  7. What kind of light do you have? Clams that have insufficient light can slowly waste away while we tend to think they are doing fine. Then one day, boom, they're gone.
  8. I've only used play sand in freshwater planted tanks. Idk if that can provide the same benefits as crushed coral sand, but I'm no expert.
  9. Normally you would post this in the WTB section. Unfortunately I cannot move it for you ATM, but it's not a problem. Have you reached out to some of our sponsors? I know that Cuttlefish and Corals and The Premium Aquarium are known to carry these aquariums.
  10. Awesome photography on the corals. Wanna shoot some of mine? Then I can actually show people what my corals look like versus showing them a sucky picture from my phone.
  11. I was waiting for the first post about weed to surface....
  12. Yeah, we didn't collide with them too bad. The resistance was predominately the seat belts as we weren't going that fast. We both had some burning from the bags though. I hadn't experienced that before, but it was only a little bit on my wrist. It was crazy how smoke filled the car got from those bags.
  13. Rolling around with badxgillen last night and had some kid pull out in front of me. He tried to cross an intersection while we were driving down the street. We had no stop so we were just cruising along. He crossed the street behind an oncoming car so we never saw him until we hit. He ended up spinning around and facing the exact opposite direction. Me and Robert? We're good! The most annoying part was that my horn was stuck on until the fire fighters arrived and could pry my hood open and unhook the battery terminal. Everyone was ok and the kid had insurance so it isn't the worst thing in the world. Feeling blessed for the protection. The lil Subaru looks like it's permanently out of commission.
  14. Nevermind on the questions, I can see the picture now. It wasn't working on tapatalk.
  15. Picture didn't work. What kind of uploading method are you trying? Man, I couldn't imagine coming home to that mess after such a long journey. Tank failures are certainly a fear that every tank owner has to live with. The wife and I live in an apartment and I'm always concerned about that. Although, even if the tank failed, the apartment knows about them and we carry insurance. Hopefully that'll keep us from getting evicted. Did you de-rim the 40 yourself or is it a stock rimless?
  16. Good to see you here Ben! Post up some stats and photos of your setup. Always great to see new tanks around here.
  17. So our house rules have a steal limit of two. That is, the second time an item gets stolen, that person has it locked in. We going to have a rule like this?
  18. Ok, here's the final product, definitely nothing special. It still looks like a fallen over reef, but I kinda like the look when the setup is more flat. While it may be set in stone, the setup is not set in stone (see what I did there?). I may move things around as I develop the scape more. I have a bunch of homeless coral that need to be placed as well.
  19. Well the tank swap was successful. I had one war coral that got a bit upset and suffered some tissue loss. Thanks to Robert (badxgillen) the switch went as perfect as could be expected. Currently everything looks like a toppled over reef, but I'll be rescaping later today. Here are a couple shots of the progress. I thought I got a good one of Robert, but then realized he has his eyes closed. Oh well, guess he'll have to live with it. I always wish I could take more in progress shots, but once you get going, you gotta just go. No time for midway shots. The previous tank: Here's Robert getting ready to rock and roll: Everything put together and in place (still need to hook up the other light) Hopefully I can clean this look up a bit. If not, oh well: Here it is today after the other light got put up: Now it's time to scape the rock work. Big thanks to the homie Robert. I can't say it enough, he's the man!
  20. If you can get a hold of Chad (re_run) that would be your best bet. I haven't heard from him in a while and I know he was having health problems. Maybe someone can remember his number...
  21. Higher Thinking


    I know this guy who just won an Arctic. Maybe he's selling it
  22. I was thinking the same thing that Rudy posted. Where are things like lithium coming from? If you are doing regular water changes, then doing more water changes isn't going to control that. The salt would be the first guess, but maybe also a byproduct or additive in some of our dosing chemicals. If it was the salt, I wouldn't understand how levels would progressively climb. They would stay rather constant because we pull out equal parts of salt water to how much new salt water we add. That would leave the various additives we are putting into our system as the culprit. Something must have small levels and over time, it consistently builds up. However, maybe it doesn't even matter Here's to hoping for the latter!
  23. Perfectly said my friend, I don't think it could be put any better.
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