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Everything posted by PeteRock

  1. I have a CB and it picks at almost everything except my corals It also had a bit of ich as well, but a cleaner shrimp and garlic have kept him clear. That sucks though man, I'd keep him fat and happy and give him a little more time and see what he does.
  2. It'll be like Saturday morning cartoons all over again! Will there be pancakes?
  3. I'll take backup duty if needed. Didn't know you had a shop Isaac, I'll have to check it out. Been years since I've seen you, hope all is well.
  4. Lost my post :( The minis are looking good man. Just keep them away from my fish tank! Expensive taste we have huh?! If you are ever gonna be in Portland and wanna talk reefing and mini painting over a beer, hit me up.
  5. Hey folks, Thought I'd share a wooden train I did for my nephews first birthday. I airbrushed blues and then freehanded the fishies and corals. (PS: Will paint for corals:D)
  6. Sounds like a great day! You play 40k? I saw that box of half painted minis, shame on you! lol ...another fellow reefer/gamer eh? (I don't play any GW stuff anymore but I'm pretty big into Malifaux and just painting minis in general. Here's my gallery if you get bored and want to check out some of my work. http://petepaints.blogspot.com/)
  7. I've been craving clam lately, I think it will be my next purchase, yours looks great. Good luck with it.
  8. Have fun setting things up man, how exciting. If you need some help, I'll be done with work around 2 and could lend a hand. Lemme know!
  9. Just this month I introduced my 250 MH over the course of 2 weeks slowly each day. I have the actinics on from noon - midnight and the MH on from 4-9, but I start addeing some time on it. We'll have to see.
  10. hello. welcome to the boards
  11. What time would be okay to stop by?
  12. I would think negative rep would be given out for people ripping people off or some shady deal or something really bad... Not from posting. Maybe its just a god complex or something? Can't say I've ever been on a board before with a negative function.
  13. Cool stuff, nice looking tank you've got going there.
  14. Thanks for the lodown. I'm willing to help however so just let me know if I'm needed. Thanks again Nate.
  15. Sho nuff! Are you actually in Albany? I could drive and pick some up if people need. How's this gonna work? Never done a group buy before. Thanks.
  16. I haven't used a heater in years. My tank is in my living room at room temp and even with the lights off it doesn't get very cold at night. What causes so many people to use heaters? Are your houses that cold? Seems like they cause lots of problems and I'm wondering why so many people even bother with them? thanks
  17. :( That stinks! The first place you went wrong was naming it. Nothing that is in my tank has a name, and thats not by coincidence. Without fail, if they get a name in my tank, they die within a week. My firends all say, you should name it "blah blah" I'm like "no".
  18. I work for a big one and they are terrible. To their customers and employees. Go with a local Credit Union.
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