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Everything posted by AquaticEngineer

  1. Kudos to you sir(clap) This is one of the best systems I've ever owned. The ATO is indeed still hooked up behind the tank. I think I listed most of the additions in one of the posts in the thread, but honestly there wasn't much more I needed to do. You can tell you put a lot of thought into the design. I did end up making the hood a bit taller and added the lid to it. Retro'd in some PC's and HQI's with 3 computer fans. Drilled an additional hole in the stand for another return and hooked in a SCWD valve. Running the sump as a fuge, added a skimmer onto the side of the bubble trap. I'll see if I can get some sump shots loaded up here soon.
  2. Dang its been a while, guess I better update with some new pics of the tank. Now that the wife is going back to work and I got a promotion I can afford to do more than just water changes on the tank now (laugh) Pretty much everything in these pictures is grow out from the original pics on page 1. I'll try not to be such a phantom on the forums going forward.
  3. I love my sump, makes everything 10 times easier and cleaner looking. I think my sig bar says it all (laugh)
  4. PM sent, been looking for some nice Killis for my desktop bowls. I might even take those brackish shrimp off your hands as well (clap)
  5. Its time to replace my bulbs, anyone have any they need to part with? Or a recomendation on where to get some? I need 2 70 watt hqi bulbs and 2 24 watt power compact bulbs. Working on a budget so price is key. I also have frags I can trade if anyone is interested. I have been leaning towards a supplier on EBAY who has 2 bulbs shipped for $46. Also, what are peoples preferences for bulb color on the lower watt HQI's? Right now I have 14k bulbs along with 2x 50/50 24w pcs. The color is good, but I think I may like 20k bulbs better. Any opinions out there?
  6. Please tell me that was meant to be taken as sarcasm.
  7. Oh yeah I know straight up salt water would kill em, but the skimmer sludge shouldn't have as much salt in it as compaired to a bucket from a water change. I'll start dumping my skimmate on a random weed or plant in my yard and take some photos of the before and after for a couple weeks. If I can find any more info on it online I'll post it as well.
  8. Good idea, I'll give it a shot. It'll be a mixed blessing if I get some gigantic weeds I guess(laugh)
  9. I was wondering this at first, but from what I've read skimmers dont remove that much salt in the skimmate. Otherwise our tank salinity would contually drop, which would be more of a nuisence than evaporation.
  10. I dont have a good spot yet for a compost pile, I just recently cleared room for the garden area. So as soon as I have a compost area thats for sure what I will do. Hopefully this weekend I'll have time. Until then, do you think it would be to potent to spot feed directly at the base of plants in the garden?
  11. Does anyone here use their protein skimmer waste for fertilizer on plants or gardens? If so, is there a noticable difference? If not, any particular reason? I've heard that the salt content of the waste water would be to high for most plants, and that you should water it down. Any ideas?
  12. I bet the clown was asking for it (wife) (laugh)
  13. A few blueish clove polyps of some kind were on a frag of dragon eye zoas I got from you last year, since then they have over taken the zoas and actually look a lot cooler Nice stuff under the right light. If I'm not totally lazy later today I'll try and get a pic up.
  14. I'm wanting to re-do my terrarium and wanted to add a new water feature, I thought someone might have one of these in tank power filters used and would be interested in a frag in trade or would be willing to sell one cheap. I think they are only like $15 brand new, but times are tough and terrarium remodels are last on the list (laugh) I will try and post some pics of the frags I have available to trade tonight, I'll be home all day tomorrow on my day off. Looking for something like this: Tetra ReptoFilter Tetra Whisper Internal Power Filters
  15. Ace Hardware in Lake Oswego does carry it. They had two cans left, I grabbed one and theres one still on the shelf if anyone wants it I'm going to re-do my terrarium tomorrow with the pond and stone. In the past I have used the regular great stuff and covered it with black silicone, this makes it much easier (clap) I'll post up some pics when I'm done, thanks again for pointing this stuff out.
  16. OK cool, there is an Ace Hardware here by my work in LO. I'll check it out on my break and see if they have any. If not, how much would you want for yours and where are you located?
  17. Very cool(rock2) Where did u get the black foam? I need something like that for my terrarium.
  18. Got enough jugs and moved the tank, (clap) thread can be locked or deleted.
  19. What store did you get him from and how much? I need one for my system too.
  20. Yeah, check the gasket. 9/10 thats your problem. Also if the gasket is old you might as well replace it. Make sure its on the inside of the tank when you get the bulk head together. ( I've done that one myself DOH! )
  21. Lol, before I even read the whole post I was going to suggest Silver Falls. I've been down there 3-4 times in the last couple years (clap) I love that place.
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