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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Can you post a pic of the whole skimmer? If it is in ideal water height then you have to tune the out. There should be a knob to turn or a pipe that pushes up or down...
  2. What is the recommended water level for the skimmer? Was it new when you got it? What model is it?
  3. I think I used to have that exact same tank. That was a great tank to play with. Good Luck
  4. It is a very nice attempt. We should all take pics of our stinky pinky's just to screw with Chris.
  5. Well now no one is going to enter...
  6. 3 free Monkey Brains to the winner! I love those things. So delicious
  7. Really? Crazy man. I have never used a Herbie so I have never really heard of that. I am all old school Duroso up in these parts. (these damm kids and their herbies). I run dual Duroso's and also am dead silent. Good call on mentioning the height for the drains because hearing waterfall into the overflow box is a nuisance in itself. The first one I ever made was an inch to short and I ended up filling the whole compartment with bioballs to get it to shut up one night. Thanks for the knowledge. When do I get to play with Tulip?
  8. Hit up John at reef cleaners and tell him you want some botylcadia (sp?) and some of that red ulva. You might have to wait for the season for the more rare ones but it is worth it. So fun to watch grow.
  9. Looks good man, can't wait to watch that thing fill up and grow!
  10. You close off your 1" overflows? Why? I run mine fully open.
  11. On my 125 i was close to 500, on my 120 now I am closer to 300. IMO it is more about the sump volume to determine. I have a much smaller sump on my 120 then I had on my 125. You want the water in the sump to spend some time with the filtration. Let the filtration do it's job for awhile and then return the clean water. 3-5x the tank volume through the sump is perfect I find. But you also want the water in the sump to move a bit as well so for me that is kind of the sweet spot. I could easily do more flow through my 120g now, my pump is adjustable and I have it set at 20%. Turning it up is just a button. But I find at 20% I get better operation out of my protein skimmer. On my 120g I have 2 one inch drains and they can handle up to about 1200gph, so I have more then enough. No harm in going bigger, but IME it is really not necessary. IME the noise comes when pushing to much water through a drain as the added water in the pipe closes the air column and leaves that suction sound. Having two little coming through is not a problem. All this said, I do not have a low flow tank. I have 2 WP40's and an Rw 15 in the tank for water movement and my returns have penductors on them. I alternate when each pump is on and off through the day and my return is through a SCWD. SO I like a lot of water flow, more then most. BUT not from the return.
  12. Are you talking about just for the drain pipe? I would do at least 2 1" drains IMO. For that size sump I would shoot for about 250-500 gph from your return pump to the tank, and then supplement the rest of the flow with powerheads. How much water movement you need is highly dependent on what you want to keep. The flow needs of some corals and even some species of fish are radically different. You don't want 2000gph from 3 powerheads if your keeping a box fish if ya know what I mean.
  13. Ya man any time. Cheaper then setting up my own system lol
  14. Will do! I know we have met a couple times but I forget your real name. My bad. Should I just say Spectra?
  15. Hey Goby, your welcome to stop by. If your making that trip I might be in the middle in Oregon City. I have quite a few things I can break off, both hard and soft. Not many rics, but a few zoas, some lps, some sps. Your welcome by anytime. PM me and we can setup a time. Cheers
  16. Just hooked up the RW-8 and this thing was perfet for my 90g. Working great, clean like new. Thanks for the trade man. Let me know when you get going if you need help setting that bad boy up.
  17. Jordan works for ORA in Florida. He just had another kid a few weeks ago. He is very happy with the life he has made for himself there. Jordan is doing fantastic!
  18. The colors your tank gets are always so dope! Nice camera work there to man. Wish I had the funds right now... wait don't you owe me a frag LOL Best seller on the forum IME.
  19. Your screwed. I really miss Waves. Was my favorite shop in my 15 years of the hobby. So much fun and so much learning. Great staff too. Made some incredible friendships there. Now I spend my money at Upscales mostly and Cuttlefish and TPA next. Last time I was at TPA Garret had some sick! stuff. I almost set up an extra tank just for some of the oddities.
  20. You can host the pics off site and attach no? C'mon I know you of all people have a photobucket and a flicr
  21. It might be because of a low post count. For security reasons your first few posts have to be approved. It is to help protect the forum from unscrupulous spammers and also hackers. Welcome back!
  22. I can help ya out if you wanna come over. I have quite a few things that are overgrown that might go good in your system. Looking for mostly softies?
  23. Sometimes there can be a gradual accumulation of a toxin in the tank that the other fish can be come accustomed to, but a new fish not so much. Carbon is helpful with that. It can happen with parameters as well which is why some people do a water change before adding a new fish. Checking salinity is always a good thing. I do float bags, always have. I open the bag immediately, fold the tops over so they float, turn the lights off and let it chill for 10-15 minutes or so. Seems to work.
  24. I might be up for a trade for the pump. I got your text late, I'll hit you up tomorrow.
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