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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I haven't changed mine in 4 years and my TDS is still 0. It depends a lot on where you live and how much water you are using. My last house the TDS out fo the tap was around 8, so the RODI filter had very little to filter. At my current place the TDS is about 20 last time I checked. In contrat in California I would have to change them every 6 months or so but the tds out of the tap was something like 600 if I remember right. I very rarely do water changes, sometimes years in between, so I do not use the filters that much. Right now I go through about 5g's of top off water a week and probably 300g total of water a year. So while it might be gettting time soon, for now, all is well.
  2. Prazipro or Cupramine are antiparasitics and will not kill bacteria on their own. If you have large populations of some of the things they target you can get a large ammonia outbreak which can kill beneficial bacteria. I'm not sure if there is an acceptable fallow period for velvet.
  3. That lady on RC lost her dog. . . The other guy set his curtains on fire and did significant damage to his house. Just becareful with that thing. Wear glasses. I'm kinda jelly though, they look really fun. After reading about the dog a few years ago I just couldn't do it.
  4. I think that is still a matter of debate between many of the different phd's in the hobby. Some studies find that 82-84F is ideal, some like it lower. All seem to agree that stability is important. 80F will not kill SPS IME Higher temps very basically speed up metabolism and can increase growth given other factors are in place. To high of temps are fatal. To low of temps significantly slow metabolism and for many SPS that is considered to be around 74-75. The corals metabolism affects how whether or not they are repairing themselves, whether or not they are growing, whether they can reproduce and how fast or slow all of those things happen. There is some pretty good reading about temperature, but when you read things make sure you look at the whole setup. Some guys that keep temps in the 86-88F range have to do a lot of other things to maintain that including higher alkalinities and more available nutrients. You can't do just one piece of the system. You have to look at all of it.
  5. I don't use API test kits so I don't know what 13 drops means for an ALK. I bet it came with instructions, or you could look it up online. If the frags are only a few weeks old I would guess there are multiple factors as to why you were not succsessful. To be quite honest, SPS is not for everyone. SPS requires very stable parameters, constant dosing, good flow, and great wonder conditions. There is no shame in not being up to the work and there are many other very rewarding styles of salt water tanks you can have. Good luck to you.
  6. Well I have no idea what test kit you are using, but if we're using the same test kit, that would be the problem. Combined with the high salinity. . . Do you have a phosphate reading by chance? What about magnesium? There is so much that go into sticks it's really impossible to help you with the given info. From what you have posted your alk could be very off or right on, I'm not sure. Try to keep the salinity in range, that will help. The algae is coming from nitrate and phosphate so if you have a 0 nitrate reading (which is also a problem you need some nitrate) then you likely have phosphate for that level of browning. If you have been growing the frags for 6 months it could be because of a random alk spike or dip (again no idea on your test) and salinity. If they have only been around for a few weeks, it could be they have been dying for awhile. Sticks are tricky. Give us all the info you can and we'll see if we can help you out more.
  7. No. This is the reefer code and it is vital to our hobby. http://reefbuilders.com/2014/12/11/reefers-code-formally-mike-paletta/
  8. I'd move the stuff from the biocube into the 200g after it has cycled. Then use the biocube to QT. If you use the 200g to QT and you get brook, your screwed.
  9. My 2 Chromis's are 8 years old. I started with 4, within 6 months I had 2, had those 2 since then.
  10. All fish that I buy get a prazipro bath before going into a 3 month minimum QT tank. If Ich does appear I treat with hypo salinity for 12 weeks and then raise the salinity and QT for another couple of weeks. If antibiotics are needed I treat in a separate tank from my QT system. Then place them back in the QT for at least 12 weeks. I have not had disease or parasites in my reef display in the 15 years now I have been in this hobby. I keep a 90g tank running that I use for a QT system. To me it is worth the investment. I consider fish my pets, I get pretty attached to each fish (probably because they hang out with me for 3 months in my office), for me it's worth the peace of mind. For corals I just dip them.
  11. Has it been a whole year now? Did you throw a birthday party for it I think I recognize some of those corals... growing good my man.
  12. I'm curious as well Bill. Is she a model citizen?
  13. Couple months old. I need to take a new one it seems.
  14. I started breeding back in 02' and have bred several species since then. What are you breeding and what type of advice are you looking for? For me the success really came with nutrition and then next temperature. Every species is a bit different though, can't really help you out to much until we know what your working with. Cheers!
  15. IME it depends on the species of watchmen goby, the yellow being the most docile and the pink spotted being the most aggressive.
  16. I have been using Zeolite for about a year. Great product.
  17. Ocean in the Box would be your best bet IME. Hope that helps.
  18. I will take it if we can meet closer to Portland.
  19. Kris, it will be easier to dial in then 2 part and far cheaper in the long run. Your going backwards man. I'll come over and help you out if you want, or take up Arson, he's the one that schooled me. Your gonna wanna keep it man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. If you feed more the nitrates will come back up. That is one of the great things about carbon dosing. It allows you to feed the corals much more often and not have the same algae/water quality issues. I have been dosing vodka daily for 6 or 7 years, was doing sugar before that. IME I would not start and stop with it. Find the dose that does the job, then find your maintenance dose (most people it is half of the original dose) and do that daily. JMO
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