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Everything posted by oldbrownies

  1. What I'm thinking though, they might keep a bunch of corals in there, but have them mixed around fakes, otherwise thats a lot of freaking coral to take out of the ocean
  2. dont kill it, sponges are a HUGE reducer of organics in the reef, they reduce nitrates and remove small solid particles. you should see my sump, its basically one big sponge
  3. Sounds like the meeting is going to be hosted in the dog house
  4. It's more likely they will end up doing what most public aquariums do, just put fake corals in the tank
  5. Here is mine, on the left is in the intake, the bioballs just catch bubbles and act as a breeding ground for little shrimp, filter sponge on the left and mag drive pump. and some nice water damage from the previous owner of the stand And here is a close up of the sponges growing all over the sump and the second pic is sponges in the overflow
  6. How long is it? I think I may have seen similar woorms before
  7. I tried fanta-seas a while ago, never got em in and never heard back so I just waited to get them online
  8. I just posted the same article off msn last week :-( It's really interesting though
  9. I saw them when I was there last, but I don't remember ones that huge, only like 6 inches, they still looked like rollie pollies from hell though
  10. I just had to take one because I shaved my head and my sister was askin about it, so look its me, don't I look alive in the morning? I know what you're going to ask, and yes, children do cry when they see me
  11. so just like coraline algaes, they grow faster on the nice chemical stuff but not the rock or skeletons
  12. wow you too, I just found gary coleman in my tank too? strange, didn't even know he lived in saltwater, maybe thats why he is small, he's just pickled in the salts
  13. One of my acro. tenius corals fell next to my hydnophora and it ate the lower half (the coral is 3" tall) will the top die off because of toxins the hydnophora may have excreted in it? do I need to frag the top half off? or will it just have a dead base?
  14. I think that she might be fine in the full light under the t5's she might just be taking a bit to get used to the color and the light amount. She'll probably will get darker as she adjusts to the lower light level too, since they where hot pink under high wattage halides.
  15. Hey dippin and powdertang, I'll have green digi frags for you, thats not a problem PM me so we can figure out a meeting time
  16. What kind of light are you running dippin? She was in the shade but the tank is lit by 400 watt 10k MH, and it looks like you have something more like a 20K, maybe its the lighting thats causing her to close in the day because she isn't used to the color?
  17. I always scream like a little girl when worms crawl on my hand. It's rather embarassing, but thier mouths just creep me out. Land worms don't bother me though, just freakish reef worms
  18. everytime I search it just gives me all the results, nothing really gets narrowed down?
  19. I just feel bad buyin sodas and pouring them out, its just too wastefull I';m just going to loaf around a bottle return this weekend and buy em off people
  20. Definently not bleached, its just the color her and the mother always have been (since I got the mother a year ago). but she does look more closed then when she was in my tank. she would accept half a silverside from me, you might want to see if she will still take one?
  21. Me too, I love getting tiny frags and watching them grow up to be big and strong knowing that I raised them. If I didn't have a reef then I guess it would be babies, but you can't put 20 babies in a 60 gallon tank can you?
  22. Vanz has the blender for me so thats covered. I just gotta see if I can get 3 frags off this digi without it lookin naked! Dippin and powdertang they might have to be small 3/4 inch or so? I think I will just go to the grocery store and see if I can't just buy some off someone
  23. well if i can get the stuff ready and we get the school's permission for the tiny tank, then probably next month (march), so there should be mushrooms before school lets out
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