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Fish Ideas


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I just about have all my fish in from my stock list and I there is a lot of room left and could use some ideas to help stock the rest of my 100g. I currently have a pair of clowns, 3 green chomis, and a coral beauty. The only other fish i would like to add is a yellow tang in a couple of months when i start to get an algae growth for him and the coral beauty. I would like to add a rtba for the clowns in a couple of months as well but other than that no other plans for now.

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well, if your tank has a lid there are some absolutely gorgeous wrasses.  The terminal male pintail is amazing.  As is the lineatus wrasse.  Other fish that have amazing amounts of personality are tail-spot blenny and flame hawk.   My tail spot is always in this little hole in my rock in the front of my tank.  Looks like something from sponge bob square pants. LOL   A rabbit fish is also a great and interesting fish.  I like the scribbled a lot more than the one spot. 

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I would avoid red fish like the flame hawk (or in my case flame angel). Clowns are like bulls...they attack red for some reason. I’ve observed it several times with my pair over the years, even had them go at a red tail tamarin wrasse. They never have actually killed a fish but they get super territorial and nippy when they come to their spot. 

I always thought some of the leopard wrasses and the orange back wrasse add some nice color/variation to the tank.

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Lol my female clown would probably kill it, she is even rough on the male at time. I don't have a lid installed, I do have one from red sea to put together but up in air about installing it.

I would live a flamed angle but I heard they don't play nice with other angles. 


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