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Tang aggresion


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Hi had a question for the group. I have had a single yellow eye Kole tang in my 120 display tank for about six months. He has been the only tang in there and has been a model citizen. Yesterday, I added a yellow tang and a hippo tang to the display tank. I fully expected there to be some chasing, nipping and maybe some tail swipe action. However, this guy has been taking it to another level! He backs the yellow tang into a corner and just proceeds to beat the snot out of him! The yellow tang is a little smaller then the Kole tang but not much. The hippo tang found some rocks to hide in and seems to have avoided the beatings thus far. But man, the yellow is taking a beating. I thought Kole tangs were considered to be one of the less aggressive species of tang? Going to try the mirror trick tonite. Any other suggestions? I have too many delicate corals to move rocks around. That was the other suggestion I read about .

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This is the joy of tangs.  They will settle down but at this point you need to keep a CLOSE eye on the health of the yellow.  Open sores, loosing weight, discoloration.  you need to grab him out of there and put him through a round or two of antiobiotic treatments.  The hippo will likely be fine as they are good at hiding.   The mirror trick may work I have never tried it. 

The most aggression usually lasts like 3-4 days unless you have  a really psychotic tang.. powder blue or achilies. 

In the future: 

-The more fish you can add at the same time the better.

-Super feed the tank for a week before hand.  

-Add a bunch of rocks to the aquarium, block the areas that the existing tang uses for cover, do this 2-3 days before the addition. 

- always always always add at night.  NEVER, EVER add during the day. 

- at this point you need to disrupt the habitat of the existing tang population... add rocks, put a net or two into the tank.


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I have had the mirror trick work in the past, but I have also had it fail it depends on the fish. I have an orange lined kole tang that tries to bully a hippo tang that is 3x's the size of him, but the hippo just chases him for a half of second and the kole swims away. The kole is really odd he HATES my lawnmower blenny. 

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