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Have You Ever Caught Yourself Accidentally Rubbing Your Eyes? -PalyToxin??


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Have You Ever Caught Yourself Accidentally Rubbing Your Eyes After Touching Palys?


Me honestly, I cannot ever remember doing it, I am crazy about rinsing my hands after handling them especially during fragging. but just might have rubbed my eyes last night.


We were in a rush to head out, I had been inspecting the purple death and mind blowing colony for pests as I periodically for all the colonies as part of preventative maintenance.


I don't remember touching my face, but as we drove to dinner, my eyes had a distinct dry feeling. So distinct I had to pull over and put in some allergy eye drops. Thought to myself 'that's weird!'.


It was fine for a while, but by the time bedtime hit, things were miserable. It felt like something was in my eye, high up in the back. I was convinced something was stuck in there, and tried all the eye flushing techniques including hopping in the shower with a cup and flushing the eye out (very effective by the way).


Went to bed that night, for a rough night of little sleep. Felt a little feverish... Wait, feverish? Looked in the mirror after getting the crusty eye opened. Yikes!






Headed to the ER with my PalyToxin Print outs. Here is a good one for eyes:


Aquarium Coral Keratoconjunctivitis (good one if in your eyes, doc liked it)




Doctor was awesome, long story short she numbed the eyes, stained them, tested PH, and used a lighted scope of some sort. She got in touch with an Ophthalmologist who just happens to be a reefkeeper (I gotta meet this guy!). He knew all about PalyToxin and prescribed the goods ointment and drops (steroid and antibiotic)


Tonight things look better, but not 100% yet. Maybe 50%.


So... what did I learn? I don't know, I have fragged at least 600 times based off of frag plug purchases in ebay history. Have I been lucky? Was it totally unrelated? Did I get in a rush and not rinse my hands, then rub my eyes? Was it Palytoxin, or just a random reef bacteria?


Not 100% sure, but I knew about Palytoxins because of stories like this. So here I am sharing an embarrassing story in the hopes that someone else will read it and recognize possible symptoms if they are ever in the same boat.


If your eyes are weird after working in the reef tank, get em checked out!

Edited by theclark
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Look at that guy man... I'd definitely say you got lucky


Holy smokes!  That is horrible!


Yeah I was fearing something like that early in the process.  I want to emphasize that I don't know if this was palytoxin, bacteria from the tank, bacteria from the gym etc...  Not 100% convinced it was reef related but just something everyone should keep on their radar.

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This is totally one of those things that I would say "that would never happen to me" about. Until it does and then you're like oh crap, how did this happen. Glad it's getting better and thanks for posting, it makes us all a little more aware.

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Sorry but come on edit shenanigans..........Now i confused myself!  :innocent:



 Dang Jeremy! 



and i have to lol at myself, here i am fraggin GB Yowsers and GB Purple Sky's last week sitting in my bed but hey! I had my provocative eyewear on!   :black_eyed:


and i dig with a fresh razor under the polyps taking a good chunk of the plug with me, with a greater risk of cutting myself.. I think in this case we need to all think about the old saying, "A dull blade is more dangerous than a sharp blade, being it requires more pressure with a dull blade, very important when fragging zoas. 


For the sake of discussion, do people frag Zoas like this individual?



Edited by ChrisQ
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Jeremy, I am glad to hear that you are ok. I have also been very fortunate not to have severe outcomes from fragging zoas 20 years ago, before we knew of the dangers of palytoxins! I have cut quite a few zoas without gloves or protective eyewear.  :unsure:  The only caution we heard, was not to return the water cutting was done in to the tank. I have learned to become more cautious over the years as we learned about the hazards of palytoxins.


Thank you for sharing the info on aquarium coral keratoconjunctivitis. I think that it may be a good idea that this document and info be posted as a sticky here at the forum.



I really like the kit that George is using in the video. I tend to buy my frag tools at the hobby shop, but that kit is nice!

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Glad to hear that you are ok, Jeremy. The picture looks a bit like conjunctivitis (pink eye) to me, but much better to be safe than sorry!




It could very well be, that would be a relief.  I suppose bacteria from slimy purple deaths could have been a cause as well as many, many other things.  Have to say if it was pink eye it was an especially brutal variety compared to anything I have experienced!  I hope to get a followup with the ophthalmologist so I can meet the guy and learn more, and have another local reefing contact.


Either way, it is a good reminder to protect our eyes and I hope we all keep it in mind as I wouldn't wish this:




On anyone!

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