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Official Entry Thread for TECO Zoa\Paly Grow Out Competition 2015

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I am desperately hoping mine open back up here after the 'incident'...  Some are, but going to wait until the last day to post.  Also, after seeing all you guy's growth, I am only posting for fun.  There is going to be no catching your runaway colonies!  Not even sure how you guys can count anymore!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's that time again...and it doesn't look good for the ole Gil&Fin-ster. My palys have not changed at all since the day I got them. Still 2. (Sorry about the picture, the sand sifter photo-bombed). My zoas have melted down to 14, and I'm lucky to have those. Sigh. 0bd213a87474f4bdddb84ae6c20b3a59.jpg


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It's that time again...and it doesn't look good for the ole Gil&Fin-ster. My palys have not changed at all since the day I got them. Still 2. (Sorry about the picture, the sand sifter photo-bombed). My zoas have melted down to 14, and I'm lucky to have those. Sigh. 0bd213a87474f4bdddb84ae6c20b3a59.jpg


i feel the same your not the only one! :/



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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AWWW sorry to hear that, I know mine have been in a sort of stasis as well, not lookin good for me either.


Also, since I was allowing for a 7 day before\after deadline I will uphold this word with having the final contest entry allowed on the 27th. After that it will be judgment time and announcement of the winner.

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AWWW sorry to hear that, I know mine have been in a sort of stasis as well, not lookin good for me either.


Also, since I was allowing for a 7 day before\after deadline I will uphold this word with having the final contest entry allowed on the 27th. After that it will be judgment time and announcement of the winner.



Crap that time ready. I need to hurry and juice mine up!!!!

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With this contest nearing completion,would anyone care to share some final thoughts? Successes,failures,possibly some suggestions for names?

Personally,I would like to complement anyone who managed to keep those palys alive.As for the zoas,they seem to like the sand bed,indirect flow and intense lighting.

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Nice to see so much success! You guys are doing fantastic growing those polyps out.


Shamefully, I was an early drop-out. I got super busy with work and missed a deadline for posting, then had one of my lights go out in my qt (leaving only actinic over the tank) for 2 weeks (busy and kept forgetting to replace), so by that point, the zoas were looking rough. Skip to now, and I'm recently home from a vacation during which the sitter failed to do daily water top-offs in a 10 gallon tank (causing about 4 gallons to evaporate), then he dumped 2 gallons of freshwater in all at once just before I returned, so you can imagine the salinity fluctuations and how everything looked. The zoas aren't entirely dead, but they do have a melted look and haven't opened for days, so they may be goners.

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