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What should I do with this tank?


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When I broke down my last tank and sold off all of my saltwater stuff I still had my mangroves. I decided to keep them and put them in a vase, in the kitchen window, needless to say they have grown like weeds. I decided I wanted to put them in their own little tank and make it kinda a biotope just for them and see how big I can get them. I bought this little tank for that purpose




Originally I was going to make it fresh water for the ease and the fact I have found mangroves to do well in fresh water but I am thinking now that I want to make it a species saltwater tank. I will also be placing this in the tank



and attaching the mangroves to it, allowing the roots to grow down and among the branches. I will probably have sand but no corals.


I will also be hanging one of these over the tank:


With a single spot in it, it is adjustable so it should cover my needs for the life of the tank.


My question is, what should I stock it with? Fish? Inverts? I was thinking a few small cardinals would be cool but the tank is only 5 gallon. Maybe a whole bunch of sexy shrimp, some squat lobsters? Any suggestions?



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You could rig it for dwarf seahorses if you don't mind hatching the food.


It'd be a great home for a small angler if you wanted to try one again.


Shrimp are pretty easy and require next to no maintenance depending on the species you go with.


The more fish you get in their the more maintenance your going to have to perform. Just depends on how much work you wanna do. IMO dwarf seahorses would be the coolest thing. They'll love the mangroves, you can get some small branch rocks or dead acro skeletons, they can live and breed in the same tank.


Fill it with beer' date=' drink with straw - quickly, repeat.[/quote']

I could show you how to ferment it in there, then you wouldn't even be wasting a bottle! We'll get you a siphon hose... could be a good time.

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You could rig it for dwarf seahorses if you don't mind hatching the food.


It'd be a great home for a small angler if you wanted to try one again.


Shrimp are pretty easy and require next to no maintenance depending on the species you go with.


The more fish you get in their the more maintenance your going to have to perform. Just depends on how much work you wanna do. IMO dwarf seahorses would be the coolest thing. They'll love the mangroves, you can get some small branch rocks or dead acro skeletons, they can live and breed in the same tank.



I could show you how to ferment it in there, then you wouldn't even be wasting a bottle! We'll get you a siphon hose... could be a good time.



When do I see the PNWMAS program "Tanks for Alcoholics"?

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Well I know one thing, I want low maintenance so seahorse's are out, they would be awesome though. I know I don't want a goby pistol pair, they are great I have just had them before. I'm looking into the shrimp idea now, the idea of brackish appeals to me, so does some sorta cryptic fish and darker water. Maybe like a black water extract? Lots of choices. I'm planning on running the electrical this weekend so hopefully shortly there after I will have it running.

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