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Zoa Pox


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I do not know what is going on but it started with my blue tubs about two weeks ago that started to get little white spots on them and not opening all the way till today I have 3 polyps left of a 20 polyp frag. I took it out and dipped it in coral RX and the last 3 polyps seem happier but then yesterday my huge colony og gorilla nipples did not open all day 200+ poplyps and this morning I noticed it is getting the same white spots almost looks like they swallowed sand.I took some really crapy pics and tried to get as clear a shot as possible please help I dont want all of my zoas to die =(







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IMO dip every zoa and paly in you system. and in a couple days I would do it again just to be sure. I hope this goes well for you. This is one thing that keeps me up at night (scary)


Is Coral Rx good for this? Hopefully a more experenced reefer will chime in.


Good luck with the battle :)

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Yes I am mixing up some more water right now so I can make a batch of dip big enough to put them all in I dont have a large enough sytem to pull 2 gal of water out with out puting it back so this will have to be as a water change I have a large bottle of coral rx coming on tuesday can I use Iodidr as a dip? I have a large bottle of aquavitro vibrance Iodide I dont know if this will help or not?

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I did not know that there actually was a thing called zoa pox when I started this thread. I googled it and found a lot of ref. to furan2 dip? I also saw people mentioning hydrogen peroxide . Both seemed to be quite harsh treatments. Because I no whave it in my tank does that mean that all my corals are at risk do I need to treat every thing in the tank or just my affected zoas. does this look to be zoa pox or could it be somthing else ? Before I take any drastic measures I want to be sure I am doing the right thing for the right thing =(

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Also any one who I have traded with recently should check there zoas carefully to make sure that I did not spread this to any ones system or that they did not already have it and may be spreading it. Better to be safe then sorry =)

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Furan is really harsh and carcinogenic according to a vet I know, she wants it banned. Said I need to boil the used water before pouring it in the toilet to break it up. Thank you for being upfront and honest about this, I got it a few years ago and it was a nightmare. Pretty sure who it came from and that he knew it too. An apology goes a long way, along with a heads up.


I moved the affected rocks to a hospital tank because they were too big to dip. Followed the directions on the package. Everything bleached and looked horrible for half a year, and was terrified that I did not know how to get all the zoas out of the tank-some are on just huge rocks. But maybe thinning them out helped as they were unaffected. I lost almost all of some morphs and the ugly ones did fine of course. Don't know if Coral RX helps.


How long was it between purchase of the source and seeing the symptoms? Wondering if quarantine needs to be longer. Also wondering if you are the guy I bought Candy Apple Reds from at Frank's house, don't think so... I don't get zoas that often anymore because of fear of pox. The reds are kind of stressed but I think they just did not like the light on the quarantine tank.


Final question, which morph showed it first? Is it me or are blue zoas extra susceptible? I think blue zoas are different because I have had 2 different yellow tangs over the years that ate them. No other morphs, just the blue ones. Higher the price faster they went (:. Kinda makes me wonder if they are not as toxic as the others or even a different but similar species. Might just be they had pox and somehow that makes them edible.

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It was my blue tubs that showed the signs first the real bummer is that I have had them the longest in my system so I dont know where it came from I have not bought any zoas from fish store or online just from fellow reefers which is why I wanted to give every one a heads up just in case. I have gone over in detail all of my zoas and can only see two affected colonies.

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I never new how bad Furan is, I assume Furan2 is the same?


Furan2 is what I would use for zoa pox- I have never had zoa pox but I do jphave Fuean2 in the event my zoas evr did get it, I also use fish flex when I have noticed brown film on my zoas.


I wonder what effect the Furan2 would have on my grass, or my ivy that I wish would die(scratch)

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I went thru a battle with Zoa pox a few years ago. The only way i was able to get rid of it was Furan 2. I removed every Zoa and set up a 40 breeder. Would dip in a seperate tank then rinse and place back in the hospital tank. It about two weeks of dipping to slow it down. I lost many colonies in just a few weeks before I realized what it was. Furan 2 stopped the spread immediately. Pox was gone in about a month. There is a good step by step on reef central. It would be worth reading before you start treating.

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i have dealt with zoa pox a several times and i have been succesfull with the furan treatments.some zoas respond differnt to the medication as i did experience some zoa loss but not total wich in my opinion is a win.i have posted my succes in another forum but here is where i got most of my information. http://www.zoaid.com/articles004.php

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So what I have found is that furan 2 is a wicked anitbacterial treatment and the pox is bacteria infection and is why furan is so effective to treat it. One is there any one local that carries this and is there safer way to do this would hydrogen peroxide work? From what I can tell coral rx and iodide would not work for pox they are great for other things and a Iodide dip can help the zoas recover from the aggressive nature of the furan? I think I am going to use the furan I have set up a 10 gal QT luckily I have some extra leds to light it with. this way I do not risk contaminating the display with this stuff those of you who have used furan what steps did you take when using it?

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Is Iodide stong enought to use as a dip or do you need to use iodine for dipping? I no we have some chemistry people on here if one of you could chime in also does Iodide or Iodine work as a antibacterial I would have the same question about h2o2?

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iodide is the ionic form of iodine. iodine is strongly antibacterial on its own, but I don't know what straight iodine would do to corals. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is pretty strongly antibacterial, so you might have some real success there, but it's a delicate balance between harming the bacteria and not harming the zoas...I'd try a dip in H2O2 diluted to 1/4 strength with new saltwater (don't use tank water, it'll give the peroxide too many other things to react with), try soaking for 5-10 minutes, dip in revive or iodine or something (for recovery) and place in quarantine. if it doesn't go away, try dipping in 50% H202, then recovery, then quarantine. if it still doesn't go away (and you don't want to use furan), you can try 100% H2O2. two factoids. if you want to, you can salt the H2O2 to make the salinity correct...it shouldn't really change the affect of the dip. secondly when I'm saying 25%, 50% and 100%, it's meaning the dilution of store-bought stuff. storebought peroxide is no where near actually 100%

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I think that any one who has zoas in there system needs to learn from my mistakes and look up zoa pox and reconize it and us a qt system for all new zoas dipping is not enough. I had no Idea this was even out there till my tubs came up sick bad. now I have close to 300 polpys that are all showing signs of pox some where in the colony. I am trying h2o2 an then coral rx this is my second dip I will wait one more day and dip them in lugols and then let tem rest for a bit and observe. I hope for the best but am expecting the worst that way I am not disapointed =)

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i would get some furan2 and nip this in the bud.i would give you some if you were in the area.i have had some negative effects on certain zoanthid populations with the dips you have proposing and i would definatly let them have a rest period between dips as they are already in a weak state.as you can tell some are much more sensitive than the next.

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Jeramy: I really wouldn't be afraid of it, if it saves your zoas, it's worth it. I would definitely do it. go to home depot and buy some nitrile gloves, don't drink it and get 'er done!


if it works as well as people say, you'll be glad you did.


do the river a favor though: when you dump it out, do it in the sink/toilet/tub...not the street/driveway drains/yard and rinse it down (fill the sink with water, pour the treatment into the sink, then pop the drain, 'chase' it with 5 minutes or so of water. this will dilute it quite significantly. I'm not sure if it's very volitile...I'm not a smart enough chemist for that, but if it is: boiling it would be a bad idea (for your sake). I would say that it looks like bleach has plenty of places to react with it. not that bleach is a wonderful thing for the sewer system, but any reaction with the furan (it's actually two chemicals, but it's true for both) should make it way safer.


I definitely say to do the treatment and get this mess over with!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The h2o2 dips did seem to stop the spread of the pox I did h202 dip than put them in Iodine and back into QT.Then afew days later I did H202 and then coral rx and then back into QT the colonies are looking very healthy and happy but still have the pox marks on them so Last night I broke down and baught some furan2 and did a dip in that and the the rx and back into QT so we will see I may need to buy some more that little box with the ten packets does not go very far I was only able to treat just enough to cover all my zoas and even then it was a very light dip the water was not very yellow even with all ten packets in there. So here is to hopin that it all works out =)

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