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Bad day today...dont know what the future has in store


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What! Oh man that really sucks. Take from someone who knows first hand...DOH!


You need to get on the unemployment thing today! you may qualify for a waiting week this week. Call me and I'll help you at least get that started up so there is some cash coming in... Thank 66 and 67!!!!(cussing)

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I am sorry to hear about you job loss. I went through this almost a year ago.


One thing you might want to look into is the COBRA Assistance, part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. If you are eligible for COBRA, you only have to pay 35% of the premiums. Still can be a lot, but makes it much more reasonable.

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Re: Bad day today...dont know what the future has in store


thinking of opening computer service company...problem is who can afford the work?



i will post my resume...cant hurt....and keep my fingers crossed




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Re: Bad day today...dont know what the future has in store


What! Oh man that really sucks. Take from someone who knows first hand...DOH!




You need to get on the unemployment thing today! you may qualify for a waiting week this week. Call me and I'll help you at least get that started up so there is some cash coming in... Thank 66 and 67!!!!(cussing)


i will give you a call shortly...trying to get ready for my mom and sis who come into town today.....cant wait to tell them




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Yeah, telling your family is never a great time. I kept it from my parents for over a month before I told them. I had a friend wait till he got a new job(2 month) before he told his.


Good luck and hope you find something soon. I know how nerve wrecking it is, especially with a baby on the way and no insurance. I got laid off my first job 3 months after my first was born but thank goodness I had some support from my family that was willing to help me out financially if I didn't find anything quickly.


If you need anything, let me know.

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Re: Bad day today...dont know what the future has in store


i have only been in Oregon for 18 months and working the entire time. i dont qualify for the Oregon health plan but my wife does. apparently i have to wait till next week to claim my "wait week" and i dont imagine i have alot in my unemployment as it is




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I feel your pain!! I've been out of work for 10 monthes now. If unemployment didn't pay me more than min wage I would gladly flip bergers, but I get the max unemployment and thats about $12.00 an hour so I cant afford to go to a min wage job till my unemployment runs out in 2 months.

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what do you do? do you need some IT help?




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Sorry, not even close to what you need to earn. I wish I could help, but all my employees start low and work their way up, if you want to be part of the company you work hard and prove your worth. Please don't take offense, I wish I could pay everyone what they are truly worth, but I believe in proving your worth and I don't believe in companies starting people at such high wages, even if they are skilled, it just means the company has to make more, which means everyone else has to pay more, its a wicked circle.


It definitely sucks that so many are losing work, but the U.S. needed a wakeup call, too many companies were spending too much money and not looking towards the future. Too much short term profit and not enough long term saving for stormy times.


I really hope we can come out of this a stronger country with a strong work ethic and a true understanding of what a dollar means.


Sorry for hijacking, I guess I needed to get that off my chest.


I will definitely make some calls to people I know and see if any job openings are coming available. Posting your resume would be a good thing.

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Re: Bad day today...dont know what the future has in store


so i have interviews lined up for next week at Nike, Intel, and Providence for their IT dept. i am also have 2 possible evals for 2 doctors offices in hopes of landing some service contracts......keep your fingers crossed




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Cheer up Eric. Things could be worse. It looks like OHP will cover your wife and son, you have a chance to take a breather from all those latenight long hours and spend a bit more time with your family. No reason really to give up your tank. You may have to slow down on buying new tank additions, but now you have some time for meetings and frag swaps. How about we have some Meet & Greets in Tigard for a start? Look at all the friends you have made here at PNWMAS that want to help you out! Things are going to be fine. Hang in there brother!(rock2)


Everyone realizes that the Economy is tough right now... but this was really sad to see downtown the other day. I guess even McDonalds is having cutbacks... ronaldgotfired.jpg

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