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Everything posted by milesmiles902

  1. I am happy to see that you are getting back in the hobby. It is an awesome passion to have. Hope to see you around.
  2. In two years, a lot can happen in this hobby. Hope to see you at a meet.
  3. It wouldn't hurt to sign up for the club par meter: http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/36667-quantum-par-meter-muli-test-meter-booking-thread/ It saves money if you aren't going to use a par meter very often.
  4. Top of the line candy store.
  5. Hot diggity! Welcome to the forum. You'll like it here. Just some good people who enjoy an aquarium or two..or three...maybe even four. Ok. Some of us have a lot of aquariums. Hehe. If you ever want to talk about aquariums. I imagine any of us in Corvallis would love to chat. Hope to see you around.
  6. I should be grabbing it this Saturday. Would you want to grab it the following weekend?
  7. I should have posted the ingredients. The coral supplement had magnesium stearate added to it, which is where most of the magnesium probably comes from. The reason I don't know what to think is, I am unsure whether this is a good thing or bad thing. There are no doubt, tons (literally) of coral skeletons across the ocean that would be a great source of calcium. Although, I don't know if this is the best place to acquire calcium. It is pretty abundant on this earth.
  8. Even in the open ocean these things can get irritable. Look at this whopper.
  9. Glad someone else was confused. What technical reason caused them both to have the same filename? Also, congratz to Nanoreefer. It is a great picture.
  10. This is the amazing picture: http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/37953-may-potm-voting/
  11. Wait. I am confused. I love Flashy Fins, but didn't she win April's POTM? I thought she took this picture. http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/37784-april-potm-winner/ Or am I missing something?
  12. Wish I could be there. That food looks delicious.
  13. I completely agree. Any star polyp really are a beauty if on an isolate rock. I think they just get a bad rap from being invasive. I would love to see a single rock with red, blue and green on it. Maybe with different eyes. Does anyone have star polyps with other colored eyes besides white? Or even the branching ones. I have never seen them before.
  14. Yeah, even those blue ones you don't see as often. Maybe because they are slower growing? For how fast star polyps grow, it makes me believe there are great diversity of them in the wild. They can grow quick enough and are hardy enough to mutate and create other morphs in a reasonable time. Kind of like xooanthids.
  15. Hey everyone, Maybe this is an oxymoron, but is there rare star polyps? I know a lot of people don't care for green star polyps, but it is kind of funny to think about the rare star polyps. Are there any and do you have pictures? Maybe one day star polyps will be the fad.
  16. Maybe I missed it, but this should go under useful links. http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/10292-helpful-links-for-the-hobby/page-3 I know I will use it in the future. Thanks for posting!
  17. Alright. It is the deadline and here are my pictures. I think I won the competition for worst pictures. It isn't even out.. Hehe. I don't care. It is finals week. Hopefully, next month will be better.
  18. When you get it up. I'll give you a hoard of them. Just PM me.
  19. I have definitely thought of taking marine microbiology classes, but it is expensive. I think one of the best ways to become informed is by listening to people with experience, and take everything they say with a grain of salt. Since every tank is different, not any single thing is always a solution. Commonly, many things play a factor. If you still have a drive to learn, Kahn Academy is one of the few places that offer lessons for free. Not only is it free, but what they say is correct and fact checked. There is a lot of ill information out there that I think you shouldn't be spending your time on. I guess it is the internet. Hehe. I advise this to a lot of my tutees. https://www.khanacademy.org/ If you are into traditional lectures, homework, reading material, tests and projects, then MIT Open Courseware is the place for you. Plus, I think they even mail you a legitimate certificate if you complete the course series. Their lecturers are some of the best in the nation and they are online for anyone with a computer. http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm Although I will say it again, experience in this hobby is invaluable. I hope you can make the time to come to a meeting. I am sure we will be happy to answer any question you have (unless we don't know). :P
  20. Maybe it's the lighting? They might just be too strong or weak? Also, what about the temperature? 28.5 °C = 83.3 °F, which is a bit on the high side. I am no SPS master, but those are two options I haven't seen listed.
  21. I can't tell if that is a DIY 3D-printer or if it is commercial. The heated base plate looks larger than most common commercial systems. It definitely doesn't look like a MakerBot. Maybe Stratasys?
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