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Everything posted by ChrisQ

  1. I believe that was Jeff aka BlueZreef
  2. I run that exact setup for my frag tank return. I got all my pieces from Travis at Upscales, he usually has plenty of pieces in stock and if he doesn't i'm sure he'll be happy to order you up some.
  3. I'd like to get in line John, it's time i figure out where i should be with these Radions.
  4. Hey Frank, any word on the Weslo, never heard back from you. Not sure if you even still have it.
  5. After going though a couple tank crashes and rebuilding once again i'd love to grab a couple corals. Edit: If you just need one of us to hold them for awhile, i'm sure many here will be willing to lend you a hand,
  6. Hmmm, video playback isn't working too well for me Anyone else?
  7. Sorry i've not updated this thread but it can now be closed, Rolekii is now his fish master! I'm certain you will give him a happy home and sure you'll have many days of bonding with him as we did! Thought i'd share a extra video i stumbled upon digging through my archive. Watch your fingers buddy!
  8. Sorry to hear you're taking the tank down Frank, i'm sure you'll be back better then ever when time permits. Maybe i can take the weslo we traded way back when until you're ready for a comeback or just buy it back from ya, i miss that thing so much! I'll send ya a Pm
  9. Is there any plans for pipe hangers or any support for the longer lengths of pipe? As the system is purging the air from the full sipon the pipes can shake a bit, this also goes for any lines that have any air/turbulence in them, the open channel for example. Looks great so far, your level of patience is amazing!
  10. Hahaha! this can get outta control fasssst! and Randall only posted a tiny fraction of what he actually has
  11. Get yourself some Selcon, Kent's garlic and some frozen food, put the frozen cubes in a dish to thaw, once thawed use some paper towels to thoroughly press out all the liquid and replace this liquid with the Selcon and garlic, the pressed out food will absorb all the goodness of the Selcon like a sponge. Personally i use a large 100ml (about 1/2 full) syringe and spoon the mixture in and store in the fridge over the course of the next few days. Hope to see your critters pull through.
  12. Looks great! New setups are always very exciting! One thing missing on your list also happens to be one of the most important pieces of equipment you'll own and operate, this will be your RODI unit.
  13. With a heavy heart... it's time my Koran moves to the home he so greatly deserves. He cannot stay in the 40b he's grown up in any longer. I've had this fish from his early juvenile stage, maybe 2.5'' - 3'' and i'm guessing 1.5yrs to his current size of 4.5 - 5'' and in the full blown changeling stage. Out of all my tanks and all my fish, this guy has the most personality i've seen, he'll eat nori from your hand and just making eye contact with him will melt you like putty with his childlike tendencies such as his 360's and loops to keep your attention, just with simply eye contact. Compensation isn't as important to me as finding him a good/permanent home but let's say $35 or maybe toss me a few frags. For those wondering, yes... he WILL munch your prized corals (Fish only) Uploading a video of his juvenile stage with some of his antics and then i'll make a current video. Thanks all! I really need a club pull together on this one
  14. Yes, i feel quite a good shock a little less intense like you would get it you took your light switch cover off your wall and grabbed the polls, but only if i'm also in contact the the front frame of the DJ
  15. Hey Jeremy, i have it plugged into a GFCI, i don't have a ground probe though. When testing with a volt meter, what do i use for a ground? The DJ is mounted directly above the sump and below the display though i've never seen a drop of liquid touch it. Kinda risky but i didn't really have another place for it With this spaghetti mess, it's looking to be a long night trouble shooting
  16. I was just messing around in my sump and noticed i get a pretty good electrical shock when my bare skinned shoulder touched the front panel of the American dj with my finger in the water. This is definitely not my department, can my fish and corals feel this? My first thought was to start unplugging things one by one to try and locate the issue, anyone have any info with this?
  17. I was wondering the same thing, i have several step motors with controllers and have thought about a DIY version but never got around to it.
  18. Hobbies include: Mountain biking, Fishing, Glueing little animals to rocks.......
  19. Yeah, for months i've been trying to find the time to take them up on their most generous offer. Thanks again guys! I'll try and be in touch soon, been having some tank trouble as of late as well.
  20. I have a 120g 4x4x2 acrylic that's drilled for a closed loop if you're interested.
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