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Everything posted by Blackice

  1. Ahhhh all the love going to holly but no love for randy and his Pom poms lol Great pics to the both of you!
  2. Both Upscales and premium have the parts on hand to do it and can explain how to put it together but it's really simple tho.
  3. Do yourself a favor by the float switch first I flooded my house six times before bought one. and every time I thought I'd remember but six hours later one of my family members would come screaming that the house is flooding????
  4. It a very pretty fish tho. So who wants to take you for the team and add it to the sps dominate reef lol
  5. Reef safe??? Funny there is no coral in the background of the pics lol
  6. Looks great with the fish!!! And just keep your alk/cal/mag up one a good range and the coralline will spread quickly.
  7. RoBert is A pond guy (anything water related really) I would talk to him!
  8. So let's see what these baby's have done! So who's got them and how much have they morphed???? This is mine under Chinese led Whites only
  9. Well this mouth was not a good one for my zoa/palys in attempt to to make my sps happier I have pissed them off. ???? sorry for the bad pics my diy porthole broke the other day. Palys polyp #0 100%melted Zoas Polyp #13
  10. Nope but it can't be as bad as catching a Leopard wrasse buried in 4" sand it took two hours of sifting lol
  11. Yeah but the guy I got it from assured me the if it eats anything that they could replace it free of charge!!
  12. Well this is angel #2 in the tank might as well get that Red Sea regal I want so bad lol
  13. Yeah there always risky but whatever it try's to pick at I can move to another tank. My reef tank keeps filling up with not so reef save fish I should just set up a FOWLR and get all those fish we love to hate lol
  14. Well I came for food but I came home with him to!!!
  15. Wow that's a real bummer! Sorry to hear that. As much as it sucks the only thing you can do now is throw all those pices in the cal-reactor and use them to grow bigger and better stuff!!!????
  16. Wow that pic is funny. Just the right size to dip in butter hole.
  17. You can add a sock the the skimmer outlet or add a bubble trap. Or you can add space from skimmers/drains and return pump the longer the distance for less bubbles you will have.
  18. midas get to big and are very active but a tail spot blenny would be great.
  19. This is why I have 6 peppermints and a file fish the file fish ugly as sin but he is a hard worker so I let him stay!!! Nubis I got didn't even eat any my aptashia mostly because my fish eat them within minutes ???? so if you have fish in the tank they will probably be the pray not the Predator your hoping for...
  20. It's not loud but you can hear the sound of water going down mine. It is in my spare bed room closet so I don't care about it really. but if you want it silent then have two drains and put a valve on one and close it till it has just water going (no air) called a herbi drain. Easy and less complicated then some of the other styles.
  21. Thanks looking back I would've put 2 drains had sails go down the drain before luckily they didn't Make a flood as they where smaller but still scary.
  22. Here are some pics of mine just to get a idea. I think if you can get the refug just one or two inches then you will be ok.
  23. You can use whatever tube you want as long as its hollow ????
  24. Technically yes but I would be nervous about it. If you could have say a minimum 2" drop that would be ideal. I had a friend do what your trying and he had a lot of problems with it.
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