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Everything posted by Blackice

  1. Nem have a mind of there own they more around and sometimes there favorite place is the last place you want them to go!
  2. Yeah you will just have to keep the water in the sump lower then the refug which 99% you would want to anyway.
  3. That will never work you will have a flood the first day!!!! Even if they are both the same in every way you can't get them to pump the same gph 24/7. Just pump it in and drill the tank the is no need for a overflow box if that is what your try to getaway with have to buy? I just put a 90*elbo on the inside of the bulkhead and it's the Same as a over flow...
  4. Are you going to drill the tank for a drain?
  5. If you all ready have a pump, you can just t off of it and put a valve on it to control how much water runs throw the refug. As long as the refug drains to the sump then your not going to have a floods. And I'm also not sure why your worried about head pressure?
  6. I can load pics this afternoon if you want but if you look up my build thread there maybe some there that will help you to! Reminds me I should up date that thread some time soon
  7. You are way over thinking this lol put your ato in your return chamber of your sump and just throw a 400gph pump to feed the refug then drill two 3/4 inch holes for a drain back to the sump. Works great simple cheap pump and never had a flood issue with it. (But I have had many a floods lol). I also have a 40b as a refug and it grows like crazy with this layout.
  8. Are you sure about that???? I thing your more of a short shorts kinda guy???? every time I see your tank half your bottom it hanging out for everyone to see!!!!
  9. That's a very smart thing to do. No tang should have to live in a bicube.
  10. That's in the top 5 most beautiful stands I have seen!!! ???? amazing job!! I have always Tryed to build my stands to this level but I am by no means a finishing carpenter.
  11. I just can't help but think that the nem is just playing with its food!!!!! Lol jk it is a beautiful pair you got there!
  12. I was told once that if the salt has got hard (from moisture) that it was no good anymore. Not sure it's truth or not...
  13. Cuz everyone is buzy and outside enjoying the nice weather. Then comes fall and "o crap my tank need a lot of love and everyone is coming over for the holidays"!!!! Fall and winter is the up side of the reefing economy.
  14. [language filter] !!!!!! I knew they would. But I guess there is next time.
  15. So spoiled I had to get that gold tabling acro and got a colony of twilight dragon free!!! And Jeff be sure to hide those other two I want till I can make it back ????
  16. Finally your sale is on my payday????
  17. Look at reefstar led also a local they have fixtures that are 24" or 36". or ocean revive you will need two but at $200 they are buy far the best bang for the buck.
  18. That's the way to do it make that tank work for its self!!!
  19. I thing this calls for me to start a frag tank lol
  20. Yes we are all interested lol we want to see more!!!!!
  21. I do about 45g every weekend on my 260-280 system.
  22. Wow now that's funny. Yet another creature that is smarter then half my co-workers.
  23. So me and the wife made the hour drive one way to Roberts for a trade deal. Well let me tell you I brought him a sps frag and a rose anemone, and by the time we left(almost 2 hours later) there was 9!!!!!???? frags in my cooler!!! I have heard rumors that his systems were crazy but there's no preparing you to walking into a house filled to the roof with fishtanks it's truly amazing what you have done bro. So if you are not in to freaking sweet corals and and some awesome Conversation then I would highly recommend staying away lol your generosity is truly amazing Robert thank you for all you've done for the club and thank you for the sweet frags I owe you big time!!!!
  24. Very nice man, great shots as always!!!
  25. There won't be any pressure just gravity, it will only drain as much as the smallest hole in the pluming will allow.
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